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FS-Bump Calibration Statistics

All bump calibrations taken during first calibration shift

There were two files for each BPM to which the conventional calibration analysis could be applied as well as an additional ten calibrations for QF11Xy. Histogram of the results:


There were six repeat calibrations for QF11X which all three analyses were used to analyse. The resulting standard deviations for each analysis were

Method σ/μm σ/% σiqrot/rads
Conventional 119.6 8.68 0.00298
Jitter subtracted 118.8 8.36 0.00223
SVD based 100.9 7.19 0.00251

I replaced the constant bump position with the position reading from the other BPM inside the orbit bump. This seems to reduce the variation but is it may not be possible in all cases:

Method σscale/μm σscale/% σiqrot/rads
Conventional 96.48 7.08 0.00298
Jitter subtracted 109.7 7.65 0.00223
SVD based 79.18 5.72 0.00256


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Topic revision: r4 - 14 Dec 2011 - FrankieCullinan

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