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Planned Development

Whilst BDSIM is ready for studies as it stands now, we are always looking to the future and developing it further for new applications. Below is a list of topics for future development. We have limited time to work on development of new features so must pick the ones that align with our own research. We are very willing to collaborate with other groups if our ideas are aligned and there is a practical addition to the code. Please have a look at the list of topics below that have been thought about and contact us (see Contact Us) if you're interested in collaborating on a project.

Bitbucket Issue Tracker

We regularly use the bit bucket tracker as our main task list for any bugs that we find as well as enhancements that will definitely go ahead. Please have a look at:

Task List

-- LaurieNevay - 11 Jun 2018

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Topic revision: r1 - 11 Jun 2018 - LaurieNevay

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