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Connecting to the technical network

ssh -XY username@lxplus.cern.ch

ssh -XY username@cs-ccr-dev1.cern.ch

Acquisition Scripts

  • It is best to open the signals from the digitiser in oasis-viewer to run the scripts so that the offsets are visible.
    • From control room machines go Measure -> Oasis viewer
    • Connect global -> CTF3 -> CA 15 GHz Cavity BPMs
    • Click "Connect"
  • The following scripts are the most useful, others are described here

  • ctfBpmMonitor ( number of pulses, comment (optional)): Reads raw data from 8 digitiser channels (1 reference, 3 horizontal, 3 vertical, 1 diode) for a specified number of pulses.
  • ctfBpmMovScan ( number of pulses, number of steps, range of scan, BPM name, direction, comment (optional)): Performs scan of beam using translation stages.
    • Can specify number of pulses at each step, the range of mover steps to perform the scan over, the BPM, and the scan direction.
    • For example, if the motor step setting is 1000, to specify a horizontal scan of BPM0820 from step 500 to 1500 in steps of 200 with 20 pulses at each step one should use the command: ctfBpmMovScan 20 6 500 820 x example comment.

  • The above scripts take an optional final argument(s) to add a comment for the scan in the log, located in /afs/cern.ch/work/j/jtowler/public/ctf3bpmControl.log. (Also in an SQL database on my local machine)

Electronics Control

  • The electronics are controlled remotely from a LabVIEW VI on virtual machine cwe-513-vow052 connected to the CERN technical network, accessed via remote desktop.
  • Or use one of the CTF Windows machines ctf3op š›˜š‡е‚‹ренавсегда
  • Before running the LabVIEW vi, "COM Port" must be set to COM3.
  • The LO can be engaged and disengaged by clicking on the LO oscillator button.
  • The board address must be written in the Bd Add box, the board addresses of each channel are shown in the image below.
  • The attenuation and RF and IF gain are controlled by setting the value then writing by clicking the "w" box.
  • (NOTE: after a reset, the first write will engage the CAL signal, this is fixed by engaging and diengaging the CAL Oscillator Button.

  • If the vi does not respond, then the serial device server may need resetting. This can be done from the gallery by disconnecting and reconnecting from the power supply (NOT the fermilab supply). IP: CTFCBPMRS232.CERN.CH, device make: NetCom 113 Pro

LO Frequency Control

  • Controlled via RF signal generator in the gallery. The optimum frequency at the moment is 235.4281250 MHz. This corresponds to an LO at the downconverter of 15.0674 GHz.

Manual Motor Control

  • This is the recommended way to move the motors.

  • Use FESA Navigator on technical network.
    • From CLEAR computers General -> CO Diag -> FESA2 navigator
    • File -> New by FEC
  • Motors are found in FEC cfc-2001-bmtv, SteppingMotor.5.
  • CA.BPM0810.MH, CA.BPM0820.MH, CA.BPM0830.MH are the horizontal movers and CA.BPM0810.MV, CA.BPM0820.MV, CA.BPM0830.MV are the vertical movers.
  • To move a motor, select the "Position" property and then change the value in the "position" box and press set.

  • To check the current motor position select the "Acquisition" property where the position is found under "actualPosition".

Motor Control GUI

  • This is not a recommended way to move the motors.

  • MotorControl command will start the GUI
  • The horizontal and vertical position of each motor can be set with the corresponding "Set X Position" or Set Y Position" buttons.
  • The upper and lower limits for position scans can be set by using the "Set Upper" and "Set Lower" buttons.
  • Once limits have been set, the scans can be started from the corresponding dropdown menus.
  • Each stage can also be centred via the dropdown menus.
  • Under the "File" dropdown menu, a single position scan can be performed for any or all BPMs using the "Monitor" entry.

Motor Resynchronisation

  • If the position doesn't seem to change then the motor may need resynchronising through the FESA navigator.
  • Under the "Command" property change the command mode to "REFERENCE".
  • Then take a position reading and change the command mode back to "NORMAL".
  • Occasionally, the command mode will be set to "STOP". Setting the mode back to "NORMAL" and taking a position reading fixes this.
  • If the above does not work, then the motor may need to be inspected in the tunnel as it is possibily being obstructed.

  • Due to some issue with FESA, the configuration can revert back to some default values, meaning that min, max and ref position need to be re-entered. The values for each motor are shown below. If this is happens, the scale can change from 1 to 0. Attention needs to paid to this as it can cause strange behaviour and the potential need for manual readjustment.

  • Position scale: 2.5 mum/step horiz 0.25 mum/step vert

Motor Name minPosition maxPosition refPosition
CA.BPM0810H 0 2100 2300
CA.BPM0810V 7800 18300 18500
CA.BPM0820H 0 1600 1800
CA.BPM0820V 4000 17000 17740
CA.BPM0830H 0 2100 2300
CA.BPM0830V 5000 18300 18500

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