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Fine Attenuation Scan

  • Processing file: ddcMax_130220_150752.json

Attenuator Setting /dB File Name
0 ctf3cbpm_20130220_150752.dat
0.5 ctf3cbpm_20130220_150828.dat
1 ctf3cbpm_20130220_150850.dat
1.5 ctf3cbpm_20130220_150910.dat
2 ctf3cbpm_20130220_150928.dat
2.5 ctf3cbpm_20130220_150946.dat
3 ctf3cbpm_20130220_151006.dat
3.5 ctf3cbpm_20130220_151024.dat
4 ctf3cbpm_20130220_151042.dat
4.5 ctf3cbpm_20130220_151100.dat
5 ctf3cbpm_20130220_151118.dat
5.5 ctf3cbpm_20130220_151137.dat
6 ctf3cbpm_20130220_151156.dat
6.5 ctf3cbpm_20130220_151214.dat
7 ctf3cbpm_20130220_151234.dat
7.5 ctf3cbpm_20130220_151303.dat
8 ctf3cbpm_20130220_151320.dat
8.5 ctf3cbpm_20130220_151339.dat
9 ctf3cbpm_20130220_151357.dat
9.5 ctf3cbpm_20130220_151422.dat
10 ctf3cbpm_20130220_151441.dat
10.5 ctf3cbpm_20130220_151459.dat
11 ctf3cbpm_20130220_151517.dat
11.5 ctf3cbpm_20130220_151534.dat
12 ctf3cbpm_20130220_151555.dat
12.5 ctf3cbpm_20130220_151620.dat
13 ctf3cbpm_20130220_151637.dat
13.5 ctf3cbpm_20130220_151657.dat
14 ctf3cbpm_20130220_151714.dat
14.5 ctf3cbpm_20130220_151733.dat
15 ctf3cbpm_20130220_151752.dat
15.5 ctf3cbpm_20130220_151822.dat

dc_x_amp.png dc_y_amp.png dc_ref_amp.png x_norm.png y_norm.png

Parameter Measurements

Used for Y and REF measurements: ctf3cbpm_20130220_155524.dat Used for X measurements: ctf3cbpm_20130220_150355.dat

To each waveform, a decaying sine wave was fitted after the signal maximum. Saturated pulses were ignored.


Channel τ QL Measured QL
X (4.82±0.04)×10-9 227± 2 198
Y (4.80±0.05)×10-9 226± 2 198
Reference (4.28±0.04)×10-9 202± 2 130

X Y Reference
tauhist_x.png tauhist.png tauhist_ref.png

The frequency as measured by NAFF was also compared with results when it was left as a free parameter in the fit:

freqhist.png freqcomp.png

Phase flattening seems better with the NAFF method (left):

phaseflatnaff.png phaseflatfit.png

Pulse Length Scan

Pulse Length/ns File Name
4 ctf3cbpm_20130220_152340.dat
6 ctf3cbpm_20130220_152410.dat
8 ctf3cbpm_20130220_152444.dat
10 ctf3cbpm_20130220_152512.dat
12 ctf3cbpm_20130220_152536.dat
14 ctf3cbpm_20130220_152557.dat
16 ctf3cbpm_20130220_152619.dat
18 ctf3cbpm_20130220_152644.dat
20 ctf3cbpm_20130220_152707.dat
22 ctf3cbpm_20130220_152734.dat
24 ctf3cbpm_20130220_152834.dat
26 ctf3cbpm_20130220_152857.dat
28 ctf3cbpm_20130220_152931.dat
30 ctf3cbpm_20130220_153003.dat
32 ctf3cbpm_20130220_153027.dat
34 ctf3cbpm_20130220_153049.dat
36 ctf3cbpm_20130220_153114.dat
38 ctf3cbpm_20130220_153146.dat
40 ctf3cbpm_20130220_153213.dat
42 ctf3cbpm_20130220_153313.dat
44 ctf3cbpm_20130220_153338.dat

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Topic revision: r7 - 12 Jun 2013 - FrankieCullinan

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