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Single Bunch Data Corrector Scans

  • Tune file ctf3cbpm_20130415_171635.dat
  • Online processing file: ddc_130415_151635.json
  • Califes quadrupole currents/A: 41.0, 49.4, 8.5
  • Final triplet currents/A: 56.0, 88.8, 33.0
  • Attenuation: 0 dB on Y and Reference, 9 dB on horizontal

Current half-range/A Steps Filename IQ rotation/degrees Error/degrees χ2/d.o.f. Scale factor/mm Error/mm χ2/d.o.f.
1 9 ctf3cbpmCorr_20130415_170910.dat 69.2 0.5 1.83 0.975 0.004 3.20
1 9 ctf3cbpmCorr_20130415_171126.dat 69.4 0.5 3.54 0.952 0.004 4.45
1 9 ctf3cbpmCorr_20130415_171341.dat 69.3 0.5 1.54 0.950 0.004 2.89
1 9 ctf3cbpmCorr_20130415_171547.dat 69.1 0.5 1.40 0.932 0.004 5.93


Current half-range/A Steps Filename IQ rotation/degrees Error/degrees χ2/d.o.f. Scale factor/mm Error/mm χ2/d.o.f.
0.8 9 ctf3cbpmCorr_20130415_172018.dat 69.2 0.5 0.69 0.973 0.004 6.44
0.8 9 ctf3cbpmCorr_20130415_172328.dat 69.3 0.5 1.35 0.995 0.005 5.67
0.4 9 ctf3cbpmCorr_20130415_172818.dat 68.6 0.7 0.85 0.998 0.007 5.37
0.4 9 ctf3cbpmCorr_20130415_173154.dat 68.2 0.8 1.13 1.017 0.008 10.76
0.4 9 ctf3cbpmCorr_20130415_173508.dat 67.1 0.6 0.32 1.016 0.006 5.56


Current half-range/A Steps Filename IQ rotation/degrees Error/degrees χ2/d.o.f. Scale factor/mm Error/mm χ2/d.o.f.
0.6 9 ctf3cbpmCorr_20130415_173902.dat 67.6 0.5 0.71 0.982 0.004 6.47
0.6 9 ctf3cbpmCorr_20130415_174117.dat 67.5 0.6 0.60 0.990 0.005 5.63
0.6 9 ctf3cbpmCorr_20130415_174324.dat 67.4 0.5 0.16 0.995 0.006 2.32
0.6 9 ctf3cbpmCorr_20130415_174549.dat 67.2 0.5 0.63 0.955 0.004 0.77
0.6 9 ctf3cbpmCorr_20130415_174754.dat 67.4 0.5 1.26 0.928 0.004 8.50
0.6 9 ctf3cbpmCorr_20130415_175005.dat 67.2 0.5 1.87 0.947 0.004 20.87


  • Switching to two correctors

Current half-range/A Steps Filename IQ rotation/degrees Error/degrees χ2/d.o.f. Scale factor/mm Error/mm χ2/d.o.f.
1.4 9 ctf3cbpmCorr_20130415_175835.dat 67.7 0.4 1.97 1.312 0.006 2.29
1.4 9 ctf3cbpmAllCorr_20130415_180157.dat 67.9 0.5 1.64 1.309 0.006 21.54
1.4 9 ctf3cbpmCorr_20130415_180412.dat 67.3 0.6 3.02 1.343 0.008 7.04
1.4 9 ctf3cbpmCorr_20130415_180716.dat 67.6 0.5 1.49 1.271 0.006 3.83
1.4 9 ctf3cbpmCorr_20130415_180930.dat 67.8 0.6 0.68 1.281 0.007 11.10
1.4 9 ctf3cbpmCorr_20130415_181159.dat 67.5 0.5 1.24 1.320 0.006 2.30
1.4 9 ctf3cbpmCorr_20130415_181417.dat 67.7 0.4 2.87 1.284 0.005 0.47


Current half-range/A Steps Filename IQ rotation/degrees Error/degrees χ2/d.o.f. Scale factor/mm Error/mm χ2/d.o.f.
0.8 9 ctf3cbpmCorr_20130415_181713.dat 67.3 0.5 0.63 1.327 0.006 8.88
0.8 9 ctf3cbpmCorr_20130415_181920.dat 66.9 0.5 0.84 1.324 0.007 2.71
0.8 9 ctf3cbpmCorr_20130415_182132.dat 67.1 0.5 1.01 1.357 0.007 9.95
0.8 9 ctf3cbpmCorr_20130415_182347.dat 67.3 0.5 0.60 1.356 0.006 11.52
0.6 9 ctf3cbpmCorr_20130415_182601.dat 67.5 0.7 0.66 1.326 0.009 2.48
0.6 9 ctf3cbpmCorr_20130415_182811.dat 67.2 0.7 0.34 1.466 0.010 21.34
0.6 9 ctf3cbpmCorr_20130415_183042.dat 67.1 0.7 0.37 1.359 0.010 13.04
0.6 9 ctf3cbpmCorr_20130415_183320.dat 66.8 0.6 0.21 1.423 0.009 1.99
0.6 9 ctf3cbpmCorr_20130415_183911.dat 67.1 0.6 0.59 1.391 0.008 5.81

  • Results repeated using two individual corrector calibrations instead of combining the two:

Current half-range/A Steps Filename IQ rotation/degrees Error/degrees χ2/d.o.f. Scale factor/mm Error/mm χ2/d.o.f.
0.8 9 ctf3cbpmCorr_20130415_181713.dat 67.3 0.5 0.63 1.188 0.006 8.88
0.8 9 ctf3cbpmCorr_20130415_181920.dat 66.9 0.5 0.84 1.185 0.007 2.71
0.8 9 ctf3cbpmCorr_20130415_182132.dat 67.1 0.5 1.01 1.214 0.006 9.95
0.8 9 ctf3cbpmCorr_20130415_182347.dat 67.3 0.5 0.60 1.213 0.006 11.52
0.6 9 ctf3cbpmCorr_20130415_182601.dat 67.5 0.7 0.66 1.186 0.008 2.48
0.6 9 ctf3cbpmCorr_20130415_182811.dat 67.2 0.7 0.34 1.312 0.009 21.34
0.6 9 ctf3cbpmCorr_20130415_183042.dat 67.1 0.7 0.37 1.216 0.009 13.04
0.6 9 ctf3cbpmCorr_20130415_183320.dat 66.8 0.6 0.21 1.274 0.008 1.99
0.6 9 ctf3cbpmCorr_20130415_183911.dat 67.1 0.6 0.59 1.244 0.008 5.81

Inductive BPM Data

  • Vertical corrector scans
  • Single corrector, +/-4 A range: ctf3cbpmAllCorr_20130415_185031.dat, ctf3cbpmAllCorr_20130415_185305.dat

ycorrcalsingle_20130415.png ycorrcalsingle_20130415_a.png

  • Two correctors +/- 2.5 A range: ctf3cbpmAllCorr_20130415_191434.dat, ctf3cbpmAllCorr_20130415_191740.dat

ycorrcal_20130415.png ycorrcal_20130415_a.png

ycorrcalsingle_150413_0.png ycorrcalsingle_150413_0a.png

  • Two individual corrector calibrations (-0.43, 0.23) corresponds to a two corrector position calibration of -1.0 mmA-1 and a tilt calibration of 0.15 A-1. I don't trust the vertical channel of the upstream BPM though.

-- FrankieCullinan - 15 Apr 2013

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Topic revision: r8 - 02 May 2013 - FrankieCullinan

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