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Sensitivity Summary


13th May

Sensitivity/V nC-1mm-1 χ2/d.o.f.
Filename Linear fit Quadratic fit From scale Linear fit Quadratic fit From scale
ctf3cbpmAllCorr_20130513_182312.dat 14.14±0.08 14.361±0.014 18.14±0.06 3.08 2.72 17.28
ctf3cbpmAllCorr_20130513_182454.dat 14.29±0.07 14.096±0.013 18.34±0.06 2.68 2.40 10.25
ctf3cbpmAllCorr_20130513_182710.dat 14.39±0.08 14.763±0.014 18.41±0.07 4.65 0.84 20.44
ctf3cbpmAllCorr_20130513_182855.dat 14.40±0.08 14.465±0.013 18.68±0.07 1.81 2.44 7.60
ctf3cbpmAllCorr_20130513_183030.dat 13.78±0.10 14.230±0.026 18.39±0.09 4.58 4.86 10.71
ctf3cbpmAllCorr_20130513_183215.dat 13.62±0.09 14.438±0.027 18.04±0.07 3.43 1.12 15.74
ctf3cbpmAllCorr_20130513_183530.dat 14.47±0.07 14.237±0.011 18.38±0.06 3.87 2.79 9.11
ctf3cbpmAllCorr_20130513_183930.dat 14.74±0.07 14.751±0.008 19.37±0.07 3.92 2.01 2.27
ctf3cbpmAllCorr_20130513_184133.dat 14.40±0.06 14.351±0.007 18.98±0.06 14.98 14.73 9.75
ctf3cbpmAllCorr_20130513_184329.dat 14.97±0.07 14.957±0.008 19.64±0.07 3.95 1.39 0.41
ctf3cbpmAllCorr_20130513_184712.dat 14.50±0.09 14.578±0.009 19.15±0.07 8.95 2.01 1.65
ctf3cbpmAllCorr_20130513_184906.dat 14.43±0.08 14.426±0.008 19.07±0.07 1.46 1.43 8.55
ctf3cbpmAllCorr_20130513_185057.dat 14.51±0.08 14.364±0.009 18.98±0.07 11.73 1.42 4.43
ctf3cbpmAllCorr_20130513_185243.dat 14.88±0.08 14.842±0.009 19.40±0.07 3.04 2.29 3.54


13th May

Sensitivity/V nC-1mm-1 χ2/d.o.f.
Filename Linear fit Quadratic fit From scale Linear fit Quadratic fit From scale
ctf3cbpmCorr_20130513_160832.dat 14.61±0.14 14.39±0.04 19.18±0.05 3.25 1.90 19.60
ctf3cbpmAllCorr_20130513_161245.dat 14.05±0.12 13.970±0.029 18.59±0.04 3.93 4.79 28.09
ctf3cbpmAllCorr_20130513_161628.dat 14.20±0.16 14.05±0.04 18.56±0.06 2.04 2.09 6.73
ctf3cbpmAllCorr_20130513_161854.dat 14.40±0.14 14.32±0.04 18.76±0.05 2.71 3.11 13.53
ctf3cbpmAllCorr_20130513_162203.dat 13.73±0.16 13.12±0.04 18.07±0.08 11.93 4.68 7.90
ctf3cbpmAllCorr_20130513_162425.dat 14.38±0.16 14.31±0.05 18.82±0.06 4.41 5.43 8.44
ctf3cbpmAllCorr_20130513_162648.dat 14.51±0.11 14.48±0.05 18.72±0.06 1.36 0.58 8.13
ctf3cbpmAllCorr_20130513_162902.dat 14.46±0.13 14.60±0.06 18.88±0.05 8.42 7.04 33.95
ctf3cbpmAllCorr_20130513_163635.dat 15.26±0.16 15.14±0.05 19.92±0.07 4.32 2.14 7.92
ctf3cbpmAllCorr_20130513_163900.dat 15.46±0.16 15.43±0.05 20.38±0.06 4.70 2.97 9.71
ctf3cbpmAllCorr_20130513_164108.dat 15.35±0.15 15.37±0.05 20.19±0.06 1.10 0.79 17.74
ctf3cbpmAllCorr_20130513_164325.dat 15.55±0.16 15.08±0.05 20.17±0.06 4.53 1.49 5.75
ctf3cbpmAllCorr_20130513_164601.dat 15.60±0.19 15.40±0.06 20.34±0.06 1.65 1.67 2.95
ctf3cbpmAllCorr_20130513_164852.dat 15.35±0.17 14.98±0.05 20.10±0.06 4.00 1.68 7.06

-- FrankieCullinan - 06 Jun 2013

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