High Luminosity Upgrade to the Large Hadron Collider
"The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the largest scientific instrument ever built. It has been exploring the new energy frontier since 2009, gathering a global user community of 7,000 scientists. It will remain the most powerful accelerator in the world for at least two decades, and its full exploitation is the highest priority in the European Strategy for Particle Physics, adopted by the CERN Council and integrated into the ESFRI Roadmap.
To extend its discovery potential, the
LHC will need a major upgrade around 2020 to increase its luminosity (rate of collisions) by a factor of 10 beyond its design value. As a highly complex and optimized machine, such an upgrade of the
LHC must be carefully studied and requires about 10 years to implement." -
Research at Royal Holloway is focussing on simulations of particles in the collimators close to the detectors. The high energy protons present in the
LHC create showers of particles when they interact with the collimators and depending on the magnetic 'optics' used, the design and position of the collimators; the energy deposition can be quite different. Simulations are used to determine where particles may be lost and how stray particles will interact with the detectors for different accelerator designs.