Novel THz radiation source based on compact linear accelerator.
Marie Curie Research Fellow: Konstantin Lekomtsev
Research objectives:
to investigate Cherenkov and Smith - Purcell mechanisms for THz radiation generation using EM simulation tools and propose an efficient target configuration and observation geometry;
to build a radiation source that provides high peak power levels and based on a compact linear accelerator technology with a fs-duration beam;
to evaluate possible applications of the investigated radiation mechanisms for beam position and bunch length diagnostics;
to provide knowledge exchange between partner organisations and other interested parties via seminars, satellite and progress meetings, conferences and workshops;
to improve public awareness about the ongoing research via outreach activities;
to develop project management skills.
Generation of THz radiation from dielectric mm-scale capillaries with reflectors.
Demonstrated that coherent Smith Purcell Radiation, with intensity comparable to that of coherent Transition Radiation, can be generated as a result of introducing a corrugation in a mm-scale dielectric capillary and can be emitted through an outer dielectric boundary not covered by a reflector.
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Brief description of experiment
Driver-witness electron beam acceleration in dielectric mm-scale capillaries.
We investigated a corrugated mm-scale capillary as a compact accelerating structure in the driver- witness acceleration scheme, and suggested a methodology to measure the acceleration of the witness bunch. The maximum measured acceleration of 170 keV/m at 20 pC driver beam charge was achieved for off-axis beam propagation. The driver bunch showed an increase in energy spread of up to 11%, depending on the capillary geometry and beam propagation, with a suppression of the longitudinal energy spread in the witness bunch of up to 15%.
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Brief description of drive-witness experiment
Investigations of electron beam diagnostics capabilities of ChSPR.
Beam diagnostics capabilities of ChSPR from mm-scale dielectric capillaries K. Lekomtsev et al., report RREPS 2017/ AGTAX 2017.
Virginia Diodes QOD detector test.
Test details
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