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PETRA-III Laser-wire

TINE Data and Instant Client

All data produced by the PETRA3 diagnostics and control is accessed by the TINE control system.

The LaserWire LWDAQ program can be externally controlled by LabVIEW shared variables which connect to the Laserwire TINE server. The LW server translates between network domains to enable Laserwire data to be visible from the Laserwire Client running in the Beschleuniger Kontrol Raum (BKR).

Instant Client is a TINE viewer located on all Desy PCs connected to the Petra network domain. It starts automatically when the relevant PC is booted, and a Watchdog process maintains the vitality of Instant Client. To view and/or control the LWDAQ via TINE, start Instant Client. (add stuff about the context etc).

The LW server needs to be added to the Watchdog process - see elog entry #97 for details.

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Topic revision: r1 - 22 Feb 2013 - GaryBoorman

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