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Beam Generated Radiation Diagnostics and Applications.


Beam-generated radiation diagnostics is a area of research within JAI at Royal Holloway. Several research projects are currently active in many scientific facilities across the globe. This page provides links to current and past projects, along with past experiments, results, technical documentation, code, and other useful academic links.

Research projects


Inventory / Equipment

A page listing the currently laboratory radiation diagnostic equipment along with some manuals and generic data-sheets. A full list of equipment in the accelerator/dark matter laboratory can be found in the laboratory inventory.

A collection of datasheets and technical information for some RF equipment is available, along with their location as of February 2013.


Copies of useful code is available.


A page with useful papers, reports, links and group publications can be found here.

A broader overview of useful papers and links can be found in the JAI library.

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Physics WebpagesRHUL WebpagesCampus Connect • Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX; Tel/Fax +44 (0)1784 434455/437520

Topic revision: r4 - 12 Feb 2013 - WilliamShields

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