High Performance Simulations of 704 MHz Superconducting Cavities
Mesh files
Four cavity cryomodule -- incorrect interconnection region (2X as long as the design).
- Long inter-connect:
Four cavity cryomodule -- tapered interconnects.
- Nominal inter-connect.:
Four cavity cryomodule -- No tapers
- No taper.:
Eight cavity cryomodule -- incorrect interconnection region (2X as long as the design).
Single Cavity
Lots of results for single cavities -- HOM spectra, R/Q, etc.
Four-cavity cryomodule
- Inter-cavity coupling for three interconnection designs. There are 100 modes here, corresponding to 5 pass-bands (1 passband = 4 (cavities) * 5 (cells) = 20 modes):
- Mode 56 E-field magnitude (9.696 MHz) -- 6 cm tapered interconnect:
Full, eight-cavity, cryomodule
A final set of results for the full, eight-cavity, cryomodules.
Physics Webpages
RHUL Webpages
Campus Connect
Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX; Tel/Fax +44 (0)1784 434455/437520