Beam line simulation
BDSIM - Accelerator Beamline simulation tool
BDSIM is a Geant4 extension toolkit for beamline simulations. This is used to study beam loss through out a machine and energy loss, which is particularly useful for detector background simulations for example for a laserwire or for predicting energy deposition in the cryogenic dipole magnets of the
Current work is towards developing BDSIM for the
High Luminosity LHC Upgrade, which requires precise knowledge of energy deposition under new ATS beam optics.
Electromagnetic simulations and GdfidL
We have a license to run GdfidL, an electromagnetic simulator code designed for parallel computing, on our 40-node
Faraday Cluster. This
tutorial may be useful to those using GdfidL on the cluster.
Python Tracker
Experimental python tracking software
Python light optics code
Pyoptic, python optics simulation
ILC mad8 decks
Some BDSIM decks