The ATLAS experiment

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The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is scheduled to begin colliding protons in 2008. ATLAS is one of the two general purpose detectors being built in the LHC ring. RHUL is one of the founding members of the ATLAS collaboration. Our major contributions are in the design of the high level trigger and data acquisition systems, as well as in exploiting the physics opportunities ATLAS will provide.

The RHUL group works in the following areas of ATLAS:

  • Physics studies: we are preparing for potential discoveries of Higgs, SUSY and Exotic signals, as well as measurements of the top quark properties.
  • Data Acquisition: we specialise in design and programming of electronics such as readout buffers.
  • Trigger: we develop software to perform fast online reconstruction and event selection, and offline analysis tools.

For further information about ATLAS

Picture Gallery

Spectacular view of the ATLAS detector during construction.

The ATLAS read-out buffer input card, designed and built at RHUL.

Ph.D student Matthew Tamsett in the ATLAS cavern

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Topic revision: r15 - 30 Sep 2008 - PedroTeixeiraDias

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