Physics at Royal Holloway using the BaBar Detector

The BaBar group at Royal Holloway has been primarily involved in CP violation and Tau studies using the BaBar detector.

CP Violation studies at Royal Holloway

Tau studies at Royal Holloway

The Royal Holloway group is very active in the study of Tau decays at BaBar. The BaBar experiment has been taking data from May 1999 until April 2008 at the PEPII high energy collider at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) in California. The PEPII accelerator collides electrons (e-) with positrons (e+) at an energy of ~10.6 GeV. At these energy, copious numbers of tau leptons are produced as a result of the e+e- collisions and several properties of the tau lepton can be analysed by reconstructing the decay products of the taus. The Royal Holloway group has been very active in the measurement of the probability that the tau lepton decays into one charged Kaon plus a pi0 and a tau neutrino (tau- --> K- pi0 nu_tau) and the complementary decay to neutral Kaon plus a charged pion and a neutrino (tau- --> K0 pi- nu_tau).

  • Academic staff: Dr. Glen Cowan
  • Research staff: Dr. Fabrizio Salvatore
  • Ph.D students: Sudarshan Paramesvaran, Adam Wren

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Topic revision: r2 - 10 Apr 2008 - FabrizioSalvatore

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