First Name Daniel
Last Name Hayden
Telephone 07929139101
Location Egham
Country England
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Dr. Daniel Hayden

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Welcome to my page. Here you'll discover useful links & information about my Particle Physics Research at Royal Holloway, University of London. I am mainly interested in extensions of the standard model to help solve presently unexplained phenomena, which as will be explained includes searching for New Theoretical Particles such as the Graviton, using the ATLAS Detector at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland.

One of the questions about Nature and the current Standard Model of Physics is, why out of all the Forces of Nature (Electromagnetism, Strong Nuclear, Weak Nuclear, and Gravity) is Gravity so weak? For instance, when you pick up a piece of metal with a hand held magnet you may not think about it much, but in fact, that small magnet is beating the Gravitational Pull of the Entire Earth!!!

One possible solution to this is to add Extra Dimensions to our current model as an extension. In these Exotic models, the force of Gravity is posited to be comparable in strength to that of the other forces, while it is only in our 4D world that we feel the force of gravity in its diluted form. However my other interests include everything from Astrophysics (which is what my masters degree was in!), to Low Temperature Physics, and even Philosophy and Psychology. If you have any Questions about RHUL or My Work please don't hesitate to contact me at


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You can also now follow me on Twitter! @DanHaydenCERN for the Latest CERN and ATLAS news!

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Name: Daniel Hayden

Date of Birth: 29/06/85

Home Town: Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire

Contact Office: Room W263

Physics Group: Exotics

PhD Topic: New Physics In the High Mass Di-Lepton Channel.

Supervisor: Dr Tracey Berry

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Physics WebpagesRHUL WebpagesCampus Connect • Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX; Tel/Fax +44 (0)1784 434455/437520

Topic revision: r86 - 25 Jun 2012 - DanielHayden

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