Studies toward a detector for future accelerators


At RHUL, as a complement to the work done in JAI, we are involved in detector studies for future accelerators. More specifically, we are involved in the current CALICE project, having a leading role in test beam activities, DAQ work and physics studies.


The physics studies make use of simulations of the International Linear Detector which would be one of the multi-purpose detectors for the International Linear Collider (ILC). The physics goals of the ILC are to make precision measurements complementary to the physics discovered at the LHC. For example, even though the Higgs might be discovered at the LHC, to get a complete understanding of the Higgs mechanism, we will need to make precision measurements of Higgs physics. One such measurement would be the Higgs self-coupling. Our current project looks at the possible resolution of the tri-linear coupling in the ZHH channel using full simulation.

  • Academic staff: Dr. Veronique Boisvert, Prof. Mike Green
  • Engineer: Barry Green
  • Research staff: Dr. Andrzej Misiejuk, Dr. Fabrizio Salvatore, Dr. Tao Wu
  • Ph.D students: Michele Faucci Giannelli

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Topic revision: r6 - 12 May 2008 - MikeGreen

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