Search for Charged Lepton Flavor Violation in Narrow Upsilon Decays. By The BABAR Collaboration (J.P. Lees et al.). BABAR-PUB-09-032, SLAC-PUB-13898, Jan 2010. 8pp. Temporary entry e-Print: arXiv:1001.1883 [hep-ex]
Response of the CALICE Si-W electromagnetic calorimeter physics prototype to electrons. By The CALICE Collaboration (C. Adloff et al.) Published in Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A608:372-383,2009.
Longitudinal Beam Profile Measurements at CTF3 Using Coherent Diffraction Radiation. M. Micheler, G.A. Blair, G.E. Boorman, V. Karataev,R. Corsini, T. Lefèvre. Proceedings of Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 09), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 4-8 May 2009. PDF
Development of a Photonic Crystal Fibre Laser Amplifier for Particle Beam Diagnostics 1 L.J. Nevay, G.A. Blair, S.T. Boogert, D.F. Howell, R. Walczak, L. Corner, N. Delerue, L.J. Nevay, M. Newman, M. Rosenberger. Proceedings of Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 09), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 4-8 May 2009. PDF
Micron Size Laser-Wire System at the ATF Extraction Line, Recent Results and ATF-II Upgrade. 1 A.S. Aryshev, V. Karataev, G.A. Blair, S.T. Boogert, G.E. Boorman, A. Bosco, L. Deacon, L. Corner, N. Delerue, B. Foster, F. Gannaway, D.F. Howell, L.J. Nevay, M. Newman, R. Senanayake, R. Walczak,H. Hayano, N. Terunuma, J. Urakawa. Proceedings of Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 09), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 4-8 May 2009. PDF
An Ultrafast Laser-Wire Scanner Based on Electro-Optics. A. Bosco, G.A. Blair, S.T. Boogert, G.E. Boorman. Proceedings of Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 09), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 4-8 May 2009. PDF
A Proposal of a Single Coupler Cavity Beam Position Monitor 1 A. Lyapin, S.T. Boogert Proceedings of Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 09), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 4-8 May 2009. PDF
Development of the S-Band BPM System for ATF2 1 A. Lyapin, B. Maiheu, M. Wing, R. Ainsworth, A.S. Aryshev, S.T. Boogert, G.E. Boorman, S. Molloy, A. Heo, E.-S. Kim, H.-S. Kim,Y. Honda, T. Tauchi, N. Terunuma, D.J. McCormick, J. Nelson, G.R. White, S. Shin, D.R. Ward. Proceedings of Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 09), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 4-8 May 2009. PDF
Development of the C-Band BPM System for ATF2. S. Molloy, R. Ainsworth, S.T. Boogert, G.E. Boorman, A. Heo, E.-S. Kim, H.-S. Kim, Y. Honda, T. Tauchi, N. Terunuma, A. Lyapin, B. Maiheu, M. Wing, D.J. McCormick, J. Nelson, G.R. White, S. Shin,D.R. Ward Proceedings of Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 09), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 4-8 May 2009. PDF
Observation of Longitudinal Microbunching Instabilities in the Diamond Storage Ring 1 R. Bartolini, V. Karataev, G. Rehm Proceedings of Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 09), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 4-8 May 2009. PDF
Simulations of Jitter Coupling due to Wakefields in the FACET Linac 1 S. Molloy, M.J. Hogan, Y. Nosochkov, A. Seryi, P. Tenenbaum Proceedings of Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 09), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 4-8 May 2009. PDF
Interfacing of Third-Party Accelerator Code with the Lucretia Flight Simulator 1 S. Molloy, M.T.F. Pivi, G.R. White,Y. Renier Proceedings of Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 09), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 4-8 May 2009. PDF
A Flight Simulator Based Beam Based Alignment Package for ATF2 1 S. Molloy, G.R. White, M. Woodley Proceedings of Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 09), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 4-8 May 2009. PDF
ATF2 Commissioning. A. Seryi et al. SLAC-PUB-13765, Oct 30, 2009. 5pp. Invited talk at Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 09), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 4-8 May 2009. PDF
Ultra-Fast mm-Wave Detectors for Observation of Microbunching Instabilities in the Diamond Storage Ring G. Rehm, I. Martin, A. Morgan, R. Bartolini, P. Karataev, DIPAC 2009, JAI-2009-007.
Observation of focusing effect in optical transition and diffraction radiation generated from a spherical target. L.G. Sukhikh, (Tomsk Polytechnic U.) , A.S. Aryshev, (KEK, Tsukuba) , P.V. Karataev, (Royal Holloway, U. of London) , G.A. Naumenko, (Tomsk Polytechnic U.) , A.P. Potylitsyn, (Tomsk Polytechnic U.) , N. Terunuma, (KEK, Tsukuba) , J. Urakawa, (KEK, Tsukuba) . 2009. 7pp. Published in Phys.Rev.ST Accel.Beams 12:071001,2009.
Nanometer Resolution Beam Position Monitor for the ATF2 Interaction Point Region 1 A. Heo, E.-S. Kim, H.-S. Kim, R. Ainsworth, S.T. Boogert, G.E. Boorman, Y. Honda, T. Tauchi, N. Terunuma, S.H. Kim, Y.J. Park,A. Lyapin, B. Maiheu, M. Wing, J. May, D.J. McCormick, S. Molloy, J. Nelson, T.J. Smith, G.R. White, S. Shin, D. Son, D.R. Ward. Published in Phys.Rev.ST Accel.Beams 12:071001,2009.
Polarimeters and Energy Spectrometers for the ILC Beam Delivery System. S. Boogert et al. DESY-09-028, SLAC-PUB-13551, ILC-NOTE-2009-049, Apr 2009. 13pp. Published in JINST 4:P10015,2009. e-Print:arXiv:0904.0122 [physics.ins-det]
Freeze-In Production of FIMP Dark Matter L. J. Hall, K. Jedamzik, J. March-Russell and S. M. West [arXiv:0911.1120[hep-ph]] PDF.
Measurement of Z-pair production in e+ e- collisions and constraints on anomalous neutral gauge couplings. By ALEPH Collaboration (S. Schael et al.). CERN-PH-EP-2009-002, Feb 2009. 14pp. Published in JHEP 0904:124,2009.
Expected Performance of the ATLAS Experiment - Detector, Trigger and Physics. By The ATLAS Collaboration (G. Aad et al.). Jan 2009. 1852pp. e-Print: arXiv:0901.0512 [hep-ex]
Normalizing Weak Boson Pair Production at the Large Hadron Collider. J.M. Campbell, (Glasgow U.) , E. Castaneda-Miranda, Y. Fang, (Wisconsin U., Madison) , N. Kauer, (Royal Holloway, U. of London) , B. Mellado, Sau Lan Wu, (Wisconsin U., Madison) . Jun 2009. (Received Sep 1, 2009). 11pp. Published in Phys.Rev.D80:054023,2009. e-Print: arXiv:0906.2500 [hep-ph]
Tracking studies of the Compact Linear Collider collimation system. I. Agapov, H. Burkhardt, D. Schulte, (CERN) , A. Latina, (Fermilab) , G.A. Blair, S. Malton, (Royal Holloway, U. of London) , J. Resta-Lopez, (Oxford U., JAI) . FERMILAB-PUB-09-408-APC, Aug 1, 2009. (Received Aug 1, 2009). 8pp. Published in Phys.Rev.ST Accel.Beams 12:081001,2009.
Kerr Black Holes as Particle Accelerators to Arbitrarily High Energy M. Banados, J. Silk, S. M. West Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 111102 (2009) [arXiv:[0909.0169] [hep-ph]] PDF.
BDSIM: a particle tracking code for accelerator beam line studies including particle-matter interactions. I. Agapov, G.A. Blair, S. Malton, L. Deacon. Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 606 (2009), 708-712. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2009.04.040.
A large aperture electro-optic deflector. A. Bosco, S.T. Boogert, G.E. Boorman, G. A. Blair. Applied Physics Letters 94, 1 (2009).
Evidence for X(3872) ---> psi(2S) gamma in B+- ---> X(3872) K+- decays, and a study of B --> c anti-c gamma K. By BABAR Collaboration (B. Aubert et al.). SLAC-PUB-13375, BABAR-PUB-08-30, Sep 2008. 7pp. Published in Phys.Rev.Lett.102:132001,2009. e-Print: arXiv:0809.0042 [hep-ex] PDF
Measurement of time dependent CP asymmetry parameters in B0 meson decays to omega K0(S), eta-prime K0, and pi0 K0(S). By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13380, BABAR-CONF-08-041, Sep 2008. 18pp. Published in Phys.Rev.D79:052003,2009. e-Print: arXiv:0809.1174 [hep-ex] PDF
Measurements of the Semileptonic Decays anti-B ---> D l anti-nu and anti-B ---> D* l anti-nu Using a Global Fit to D X l anti-nu Final States. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13371, BABAR-PUB-08-027, Sep 2008. 18pp. Published in Phys.Rev.D79:012002,2009. e-Print: arXiv:0809.0828 [hep-ex] PDF
Search for the Z(4430)- at BABAR. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13437, BABAR-PUB-08-045, Nov 2008. 37pp. Published in Phys.Rev.D79:112001,2009. e-Print: arXiv:0811.0564 [hep-ex] PDF
Normalizing weak boson pair production at the Large Hadron Collider J.M. Campbell, E. Castaneda-Miranda, Y. Fang, N. Kauer, B. Mellado, Sau Lan Wu arXiv:0906.2500 [hep-ph].
WIMPonium and boost factors for indirect dark matter detection J. March-Russell, S.M. West Phys. Lett. B 676 (2009) 133-139 [arXiv:0812.0559 [astro-ph]] PDF.
Narrow-width approximation accuracy C.F. Uhlemann, N. Kauer Nucl. Phys. B 814 (2009) 195-211 [arXiv:0807.4112 [hep-ph]] PDF.
Measuring the Higgs self-coupling at an electron-positron collider M. Faucci Giannelli Trash.PhD Thesis, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK, November 1998. PDF
Response of the CALICE Si-W Electromagnetic Calorimeter Physics Prototype to Electrons The CALICE collaboration arXiv: 0811.2354v1
Sensitivity to the Higgs Self-coupling Using the ZHH Channel M. Faucci Giannelli Proceedings of LCWS 2009, Chicago, USA, Nov 2008, 0901.4895v1
Simulation of Beam Halo in the CLIC BDS S. Malton, G. Blair et al. Proceedings of X-Band Workshop 2008 (XB08), Daresbury, UK, Dec 2008, EuroTev-Report-2008-068
Software Validation Infrastructure for the ATLAS High-Level Trigger Ricardo Goncalo, Simon George et al. submitted to XXII International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research, Erice, Italy, November 2008
Standard Model Higgs Searches at the LHC Ricardo Goncalo, on behalf of the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on High Energy Physics, Philadelphia, USA, July 2008 [arXiv 0811.3778], ATL-PHYS-PROC-2008-060
DAQ software for the EUDET Calorimeter, see the presentation PDF Tao Wu, On behalf of UK Collaboration EUDET Annual Meeting 2008, Nikhef, Amsterdam, October 6-8, 2008. The Annual report of EUDET DAQ JRA3 EUDET-Report-2008-06.pdf is published.
Measurement of B(tau- -> K0bar pi- nutau) using the BaBar detector Adam Wren, Glen Cowan, Sudarshan Paramesvaran et al. (BaBar Collaboration) submitted to ICHEP08, e-Print: arXiv:0808.1121 PDF.
Off-detector DAQ work for the EUDET calorimeters Tao Wu International Linear Collider ECFA Workshop 9-12th/Jun/2008 Warsaw, Poland. See the talk in the International Workshop.
Trilepton signatures at ATLAS A. De Santo, C. Potter, J.Dragic ATL-COM-PHYS-2008-060
The CALICE Test Beam Programme F. Salvatore Proceedings of the XIII International Conference on Calorimetry for High Energy Physics (CALOR08), Pavia, Italy, May 2008 PDF
Design and Commissioning of the Physics Prototype of a Si-W Electromagnetic Calorimeter for the International Linear Collider The CALICE Collaboration, M.Faucci Giannelli, M.G.Green, F.Salvatore, T.Wu et al [arXiv:0805.4833] (submitted to Journal of Instrumentation (JINST), JINST_013P_0508)
Prospects for SUSY discovery based on SUSY searches with the ATLAS detector at the LHC A. De Santo, C. Potter, J. Dragic et al. (The ATLAS Coll.) In ATL-COM-PHYS-2008-063
Search for new physics in events with three leptons and missing transverse momentum in ATLAS A. De Santo, C. Potter, J. Dragic et al. (The ATLAS Coll.) In ATL-COM-PHYS-2008-063
Dilepton and diphoton resonances at high masses A. De Santo, M. Tamsett et al. (The ATLAS Coll.) In ATL-COM-PHYS-2008-057
Review of Standard Tau Decays from the B-factory Experiments F. Salvatore Proceedings of the International Workshop on e+e- Physics from Phi to Psi (PhiPsi08), Frascati, Italy, April 2008 PDF
A two dimensional laser-wire scanner for electron accelerators A. Bosco, M. T. Price, G. A. Blair, S. T. Boogert, G. Boorman, S.Malton (et al.) Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A592(2008) 162-170 PDF
Laser Based Beam Diagnostics G. A. Blair Proc. Beam Instrumentation Workshop, Lake Tahoe 2008. PDF
Combined effects of strong and electroweak FCNC effective operators in top quark physics at the LHC P.M. Ferreira, R.B. Guedes and R. Santos arXiv:0802.2075 [hep-ph], accepted Phys. Rev. D PDF
Experimental Observation and Investigation of the Pre-Wave Zone Effect in Optical Diffraction Radiation P. Karataev, S. Araki, A. Aryshev, G. Naumenko, A. Potylitsyn, N. Terunuma, and J. Urakawa Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams 11, 032804 (2008) doi:10.1103/PhysRevSTAB.11.032804
Micron Size Laser-wire System at the ATF Extraction Line. A. Aryshev, G. A. Blair, S. T. Boogert, G. Boorman, A. Bosco, L. Deacon, P. Karataev (et al.) Proceedings of 11th European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC 08)Genoa, Italy, 23-27 Jun 2008. TUPC011 PDF
Simulation of Beam Halo in CLIC Collimation Systems S. Malton, G. A. Blair, (et al.) Proceedings of the European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC08), Genoa, Italy, June 2008, EPAC08-WEPP158 [][PDF]]
Simulation Study of Laser-wires as a Post-linac Diagnostic for CLIC and ILC L. Deacon, G. A. Blair, S. Malton (et al.) Proceedings of the European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC08), Genoa, Italy, June 2008, EPAC08-TUPC005 PDF
Development of a High Power Fibre Laser for Laser Based Electron Beam Diagnostics. G.A. Blair, S. Boogert (et al.) Proceedings of 11th European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC 08), Genoa, Italy, Jun 2008, TUPC124. PDF
Measurement of the B --> Xs gamma branching fraction and photon energy spectrum using the recoil method G. Cowan, H. Flaecher, D. Hopkins et al. (BaBar Collaboration) Phys. Rev. D 77 (2008) 051103(R). e-Print: arXiv:0711.4889 PDF. Additional tables from EPAPS Document No. E-PRVDAQ-77-R06805.
Review of Standard Tau Decays F.Salvatore International Workshop on e+e- Physics from Phi to Psi (PhiPsi08), Frascati, Italy, April 2008 PDF
The ATLAS Experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider JINST 3 2008 S08003 PDF
The ATLAS ROBIN B. Green, A. Misiejuk, J. Strong, P Teixeira-Dias, F. Wickens (et al.) JINST 3 2008 T01002, DOI : 10.1088/1748-0221/3/01/T01002 PDF
LHC Physics -- Higgs, SUSY and Beyond A. De Santo YETI08 Workshop, Durham, Jan 2008
Cavity BPM system tests for the ILC energy spectrometer. S.Boogert et al. 2008. 17pp. Published in Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A592:201-217,2008.
A two-dimensional laser-wire scanner for electron accelerators. S.Boogert et al. 2008. 9pp.. Published in Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A592:162-170,2008.
An Electro-Optic Deflector for a Fast Laser-Wire Scanner. A. Bosco, Grahame A. Blair, S.T. Boogert, G.E. Boorman (Royal Holloway, U. of London) . EPAC08-TUPC123, Jun 24, 2008. 3pp. In the Proceedings of 11th European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC 08), Magazzini del Cotone, Genoa, Italy, 23-27 Jun 2008, pp TUPC123.
Monte Carlo techniques. G. Cowan (Royal Holloway, U. of London) . 2008. On pages 330-332 of the Review of Particle Physics, please cite the entire review: Phys.Lett.B667:1,2008.
Search for the Lepton-Flavor Violating Decays Upsilon(3S) ---> e+- tau-+ and Upsilon(3S) ---> mu+- tau-+. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). BABAR-CONF-08-020, SLAC-PUB-13480, Dec 2008. 15pp. Submitted to the 6th International Workshop on Heavy Quarkonia, 2-5 December 2008, Nara, Japan. e-Print: arXiv:0812.1021 [hep-ex] PDF
Search for the decay B+ ---> K0(S) K0(S) pi+. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). BABAR-PUB-08-046, SLAC-PUB-13461, Dec 2008. 7pp. Submitted to Physical Review D e-Print: arXiv:0811.1979 [hep-ex] PDF
Measurement of the e+ e- ---> b anti-b cross section between s**(1/2) = 10.54-GeV and 11.20-GeV. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13397, BABAR-PUB-08042, Sep 2008. 7pp. Published in Phys.Rev.Lett.102:012001,2009. e-Print: arXiv:0809.4120 [hep-ex] PDF
A Search for B+ ---> l+ nu(l) Recoiling Against B- ---> D0 l- anti-nu X. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13300, BABAR-CONF-08-005, Sep 2008. 29pp. Contributed to 5th International Workshop on the CKM Unitarity Triangle (CKM 2008), Rome, Italy, 9-13 Sep 2008. e-Print: arXiv:0809.4027 [hep-ex] PDF
The ATLAS Experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. By ATLAS Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). 2008. 437pp. Published in JINST 3:S08003,2008.
Measurement of the B+ ---> omega l+ nu and B+ -- -> eta l+ nu Branching Fractions. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13343, BABAR-PUB-08-038, Aug 2008. 8pp. Submitted to Phys.Rev.D e-Print: arXiv:0808.3524 [hep-ex] PDF
Measurement of Branching Fractions and CP and Isospin Asymmetries in B ---> K* gamma. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13367, BABAR-CONF-08-008, Aug 2008. 20pp. Contributed to 34th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 2008), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 30 Jul - 5 Aug 2008. e-Print: arXiv:0808.1915 [hep-ex] PDF
Update of Time-Dependent CP Asymmetry Measurements in b ---> c anti-c s Decays. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13324, BABAR-CONF-08-017, Aug 2008. 19pp. Presented at 34th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 2008), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 30 Jul - 5 Aug 2008. e-Print: arXiv:0808.1903 [hep-ex] PDF
Measurements of time-dependent CP asymmetries in B0 ---> D()+ D()- decays. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13327, BABAR-PUB-08-039, Aug 2008. 13pp. Presented at 34th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 2008), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 30 Jul - 5 Aug 2008. Submitted to Phys.Rev.D e-Print: arXiv:0808.1866 [hep-ex] PDF
Measurement of the Branching Fractions of the Radiative Charm Decays D0 ---> anti-K*0 gamma and D0 ---> phi gamma. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13352, BABAR-PUB-08-032, Aug 2008. 8pp. Published in Phys.Rev.D78:071101,2008. e-Print: arXiv:0808.1838 [hep-ex] PDF
Study of the pi+ pi- J/psi Mass Spectrum via Initial-State Radiation at BABAR. By BaBar Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13360, BABAR-CONF-08-004, Aug 2008. 13pp. Contributed to 34th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 2008), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 30 Jul - 5 Aug 2008. e-Print: arXiv:0808.1543 [hep-ex] PDF
Observation of B0 ---> chi(c0) K*0 and evidence for B+ ---> chi(c0) K*+. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13362, BABAR-PUB-08-034, Aug 2008. 8pp. Presented at 34th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 2008), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 30 Jul - 5 Aug 2008. Published in Phys.Rev.D78:091101,2008. e-Print: arXiv:0808.1487 [hep-ex] PDF
Measurements of Branching Fractions for B+ ---> rho+ gamma, B0 ---> rho0 gamma, and B0 ---> omega gamma. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13338, BABAR-PUB-08-024, Aug 2008. 11pp. Published in Phys.Rev.D78:112001,2008. e-Print: arXiv:0808.1379 [hep-ex] PDF
Search for B ---> K* nu anti-nu decays. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13359, BABAR-PUB-08-040, Aug 2008. 10pp. Published in Phys.Rev.D78:072007,2008. e-Print: arXiv:0808.1338 [hep-ex] PDF
Measurement of B(tau- ---> anti-K0 pi- nu(tau)) using the BaBar detector. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13350, BABAR-CONF-08-006, Jul 2008. 17pp. Contributed to 34th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 2008), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 30 Jul - 5 Aug 2008. e-Print: arXiv:0808.1121 [hep-ex] PDF
Dalitz Plot Analysis of D(s)+ ---> pi+ pi- pi+. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). BABAR-CONF-08-002, SLAC-PUB-13323, Aug 2008. 18pp. Contributed to 34th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 2008), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 30 Jul - 5 Aug 2008. e-Print: arXiv:0808.0971 [hep-ex] PDF
Search for the highly suppressed decays B- ---> K+ pi- pi- and B- ---> K- K- pi+. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13356, BABAR-PUB-08-033, Aug 2008. 8pp. Published in Phys.Rev.D78:091102,2008. e-Print: arXiv:0808.0900 [hep-ex] PDF
Time-Dependent and Time-Integrated Angular Analysis of B -> phi Ks pi0 and B -> phi K+ pi-. By The BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13337, BABAR-PUB-08-036, Aug 4, 2008. 30pp. Published in Phys.Rev.D78:092008,2008. e-Print: arXiv:0808.3586 [hep-ex] PDF
Measurement of CP-Violating Asymmetries in the B0 ---> K+ K- K0(s) Dalitz Plot. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13353, BABAR-CONF-08-013, Aug 2008. 22pp. Submitted to the 34th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 2008), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 30 Jul - 5 Aug 2008. e-Print: arXiv:0808.0700 [hep-ex] PDF
Measurement of the branching fractions of the color-suppressed decays anti-B0 ---> D0 pi0, D*0 pi0, D0 eta, D*0 eta, D0 omega, D*0 emwga, D0 eta-prime and D*0 eta-prime. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13347, BABAR-CONF-08-012, Jul 2008. 25pp. To appear in the proceedings of 34th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 2008), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 30 Jul - 5 Aug 2008. e-Print: arXiv:0808.0697 [hep-ex] PDF
Search for B+ meson decay to a(1)+ K*0. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13346, BABAR-CONF-08-009, Aug 2008. 15pp. Submitted to the 34th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 2008), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 30 Jul - 5 Aug 2008. e-Print: arXiv:0808.0579 [hep-ex] PDF
Measurement of the Branching Fractions of anti-B ---> D** l- anti-nu(l) Decays in Events Tagged by a Fully Reconstructed B Meson. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13351, BABAR-PUB-08-028, Aug 2008. 7pp. Published in Phys.Rev.Lett.101:261802,2008. e-Print: arXiv:0808.0528 [hep-ex] PDF
Measurement of Semileptonic B Decays into Orbitally-Excited Charmed Mesons. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). BABAR-PUB-08-043, SLAC-PUB-13348, Aug 2008. 7pp. Submitted to Physical Review Letters e-Print: arXiv:0808.0333 [hep-ex] PDF
Search for Invisible Decays of a Light Scalar in Radiative Transitions Upsilon(3S) ---> gamma A0. By BaBar Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13328, BABAR-CONF-08-019, Jul 2008. 17pp. Submitted to 34th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 2008), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 30 Jul - 5 Aug 2008. e-Print: arXiv:0808.0017 [hep-ex] PDF
Evidence for B semileptonic decays into the charmed baryon Lambda(c)+. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13335, BABAR-CONF-08-010, Aug 2008. 16pp. Submitted to 34th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 2008), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 30 Jul - 5 Aug 2008. e-Print: arXiv:0808.0011 [hep-ex] PDF
Measurement of |V(cb)| and the form-factor slope for anti-B ---> D l- anti-nu(l) decays on the recoil of fully reconstructed B mesons. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13334, BABAR-CONF-08-018, Jul 2008. 18pp. To appear in the proceedings of 34th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 2008), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 30 Jul - 5 Aug 2008. e-Print: arXiv:0807.4978 [hep-ex] PDF
Measurement of the Branching Fraction, Polarization, and CP Asymmetries in B0 ---> rho0 rho0 Decay, and Implications for the CKM Angle alpha. By BaBar Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13329, BABAR-PUB-08-031, Jul 2008. 7pp. Published in Phys.Rev.D78:071104,2008. e-Print: arXiv:0807.4977 [hep-ex] PDF
Measurement of B ---> X gamma Decays and Determination of |V(td)/V(ts)|. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13340, BABAR-CONF-08-035, Jul 2008. 7pp. Presented at 34th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 2008), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 30 Jul - 5 Aug 2008. Published in Phys.Rev.Lett.102:161803,2009. e-Print: arXiv:0807.4975 [hep-ex] PDF
Measurements of B(anti-B0 ---> Lambda(c)+ anti-p) and B(B- ---> Lambda(c)+ anti-p pi-) and Studies of Lambda(c)+ pi- Resonances. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). BABAR-PUB-08-016, SLAC-PUB-13341, Jul 2008. 20pp. Published in Phys.Rev.D78:112003,2008. e-Print: arXiv:0807.4974 [hep-ex] PDF
Search for Second-Class Currents in tau- ---> omega pi- nu(tau). By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13339, BABAR-CONF-08-015, Jul 2008. 15pp. Contributed to 34th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 2008), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 30 Jul - 5 Aug 2008. e-Print: arXiv:0807.4900 [hep-ex] PDF
Measurement of branching fractions of B0 decays to K(1)(1270)+ pi- and K(1)(1400)+ pi-. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13330, BABAR-CONF-08-003, Jul 2008. 16pp. Submitted to 34th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 2008), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 30 Jul - 5 Aug 2008. e-Print: arXiv:0807.4760 [hep-ex] PDF
Amplitude Analysis of the Decay B0 ---> K+ pi- pi0. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13331, BABAR-CONF-08-016, Jul 2008. 24pp. Presented at 34th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 2008), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 30 Jul - 5 Aug 2008. e-Print: arXiv:0807.4567 [hep-ex] PDF
Measurement of D0 - anti-D0 mixing from a time-dependent amplitude analysis of D0 ---> K+ pi- pi0 decays. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). BABAR-PUB-08-026, SLAC-PUB-13320, Jul 2008. 7pp. Submitted to Physical Review Letters e-Print: arXiv:0807.4544 [hep-ex] PDF
Measurement of CP Asymmetries and Branching Fractions in B0 -> ---> pi+ pi-, B0 ---> K+ pi-, B0 ---> pi0 pi0, B0 ---> K0 pi0 and Isospin Analysis of B ---> pi pi Decays. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). BABAR-CONF-08-014, SLAC-PUB-13326, Jul 2008. 27pp. Presented at 34th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 2008), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 30 Jul - 5 Aug 2008. e-Print: arXiv:0807.4226 [hep-ex] PDF
Search for B+ ---> mu+ nu mu with inclusive reconstruction at BaBar. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). BABAR-CONF-08-001, SLAC-PUB-13325, Jul 2008. 16pp. Presented at 34th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 2008), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 30 Jul - 5 Aug 2008. e-Print: arXiv:0807.4187 [hep-ex] PDF
Direct CP, Lepton Flavor and Isospin Asymmetries in the Decays B ---> K(*) l+ l-. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). BABAR-PUB-08-022, SLAC-PUB-13322, Jul 2008. 7pp. Published in Phys.Rev.Lett.102:091803,2009. e-Print: arXiv:0807.4119 [hep-ex] PDF
Searches for B meson decays to phi phi, phi rho, phi f0(980), and f0(980) f0(980) final states. By BaBar Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). BABAR-PUB-08-23, SLAC-PUB-13317, Jul 2008. 7pp. Published in Phys.Rev.Lett.101:201801,2008. e-Print: arXiv:0807.3935 [hep-ex] PDF
Measurement of Time-Dependent CP Asymmetry in B0 ---> K0(S) pi0 gamma Decays. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). BABAR-PUB-08-025, SLAC-PUB-13316, Jul 2008. 7pp. Published in Phys.Rev.D78:071102,2008. e-Print: arXiv:0807.3103 [hep-ex] PDF
Measurement of Ratios of Branching Fractions and CP-Violating Asymmetries of B+- ---> D* K+- Decays. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13305, BABAR-PUB-08-017, Jul 2008. 12pp. Published in Phys.Rev.D78:092002,2008. e-Print: arXiv:0807.2408 [hep-ex] PDF
Study of hadronic transitions between Upsilon states and observation of Upsilon(4S) ---> eta Upsilon(1S) decay. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13301, BABAR-PUB-08-20, Jul 2008. 11pp. Published in Phys.Rev.D78:112002,2008. e-Print: arXiv:0807.2014 [hep-ex] PDF
Study of the decay D+(s) ---> K+ K- e+ nu(e). By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). BABAR-PUB-08-014, SLAC-PUB-13294, Jul 2008. 8pp. Published in Phys.Rev.D78:051101,2008. e-Print: arXiv:0807.1599 [hep-ex] PDF
Observation of the bottomonium ground state in the decay Upsilon(3S) ---> gamma eta(b). By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). BABAR-PUB-08-029, SLAC-PUB-13288, Jul 2008. 8pp. Published in Phys.Rev.Lett.101:071801,2008, Erratum-ibid.102:029901,2009. e-Print: arXiv:0807.1086 [hep-ex] PDF
Search for B0 ---> K*+ K*-. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13275, BABAR-PUB-08-019, Jun 2008. 8pp. Published in Phys.Rev.D78:051103,2008. e-Print: arXiv:0806.4467 [hep-ex] PDF
Observation and Polarization Measurements of B+- --->phi K(1)+- and B+- --->phi K(2)*+-. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13267, BABAR-PUB-08-021, Jun 2008. 7pp. Published in Phys.Rev.Lett.101:161801,2008. e-Print: arXiv:0806.4419 [hep-ex] PDF
Observation of e+e- ---> rho+ rho- near s**(1/2) = 10.58-GeV. By BaBar Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13230, BABAR-PUB-08-018, Jun 2008. 8pp. Published in Phys.Rev.D78:071103,2008. e-Print: arXiv:0806.3893 [hep-ex] PDF
A Measurement of CP Asymmetry in b ---> s gamma using a Sum of Exclusive Final States. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13249, BABAR-PUB-08-004, May 2008. 7pp. Published in Phys.Rev.Lett.101:171804,2008. e-Print: arXiv:0805.4796 [hep-ex] PDF
Measurements of B ---> {pi, eta, eta-prime} l nu(l) Branching Fractions and Determination of |V(ub)| with Semileptonically Tagged B Mesons. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13215, BABAR-PUB-08-013, May 2008. 7pp. Published in Phys.Rev.Lett.101:081801,2008. e-Print: arXiv:0805.2408 [hep-ex] PDF
Measurement of the CKM angle gamma in B0 ---> anti-D0 (D0) K*0 with a Dalitz analysis of D0 ---> K(S) pi+ pi-. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). BABAR-PUB-07-072, SLAC-PUB-13229, May 2008. 8pp. Submitted to Phys.Rev.D e-Print: arXiv:0805.2001 [hep-ex] PDF
Branching Fractions and CP-Violating Asymmetries in Radiative B Decays to eta K gamma. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). BABAR-PUB-08-012, SLAC-PUB-13228, May 2008. 7pp. Published in Phys.Rev.D79:011102,2009. e-Print: arXiv:0805.1317 [hep-ex] PDF
Observation of B+ ---> b(1)+ K0 and search for B-meson decays to b(1)0 K0 and b(1) pi0. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13231, BABAR-PUB-08-015, May 2008. 7pp. Published in Phys.Rev.D78:011104,2008. e-Print: arXiv:0805.1217 [hep-ex] PDF
Measurement of the Mass Difference m(B0) - m(B+). By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13217, BABAR-PUB-08-002, May 2008. 8pp. Published in Phys.Rev.D78:011103,2008. e-Print: arXiv:0805.0497 [hep-ex] PDF
Angular Distributions in the Decays B ---> K* l+ l-. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13133, BABAR-PUB-08-001, Apr 2008. 7pp. Published in Phys.Rev.D79:031102,2009. e-Print: arXiv:0804.4412 [hep-ex] PDF
Observation of B+ ---> eta rho+ and search for B0 decays to eta' eta, eta pi0, eta' pi0, and omega pi0. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). BABAR-PUB-08-011, SLAC-PUB-13197, Apr 2008. 8pp. Published in Phys.Rev.D78:011107,2008. e-Print: arXiv:0804.2422 [hep-ex] PDF
Improved measurement of the CKM angle gamma in B-+ ---> D() K()-+ decays with a Dalitz plot analysis of D decays to K0(S) pi+ pi-) and K0(S) K+ K-). By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13209, BABAR-PUB-08-006, Apr 2008. 22pp. Published in Phys.Rev.D78:034023,2008. e-Print: arXiv:0804.2089 [hep-ex] PDF
Study of B-meson decays to eta(c) K(), eta(c)(2S) K() and eta(c) gamma K(*). By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-13198, BABAR-PUB-08-008, Apr 2008. 8pp. Published in Phys.Rev.D78:012006,2008. e-Print: arXiv:0804.1208 [hep-ex] PDF
Evidence for CP violation in B0 ---> J/Psi pi0 decays. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). BABAR-PUB-08-10, SLAC-PUB-13196, Apr 2008. 7pp. Published in Phys.Rev.Lett.101:021801,2008. e-Print: arXiv:0804.0896 [hep-ex] PDF
Study of B Meson Decays with Excited eta and eta-prime Mesons. By BABAR Collaboration (G.Cowan et al.). SLAC-PUB-12840, BABAR-PUB-07-043, Apr 2008. 7pp. Published in Phys.Rev.Lett.101:091801,2008. e-Print: arXiv:0804.0411 [hep-ex] PDF
Evidence for Direct CP Violation from Dalitz-plot analysis of B+- ---> K+- pi-+ pi+-. By BABAR Collaboration (B. Aubert et al.). BABAR-PUB-08-005, SLAC-PUB-13189, Mar 2008. 14pp. Published in Phys.Rev.D78:012004,2008. e-Print: arXiv:0803.4451 [hep-ex] PDF
Response of the CALICE Si-W Electromagnetic Calorimeter Physics Prototype to Electrons. By CALICE Collaboration (M.M.Green et al.). Nov 2008. 21pp. Published in J.Phys.Conf.Ser.160:012065,2009. e-Print: arXiv:0811.2354 [physics.ins-det] PDF
Design and Electronics Commissioning of the Physics Prototype of a Si-W Electromagnetic Calorimeter for the International Linear Collider. By CALICE Collaboration (J. Repond et al.). May 2008. 36pp. Published in JINST 3:P08001,2008. e-Print: arXiv:0805.4833 [physics.ins-det] PDF
Experimental observation and investigation of the prewave zone effect in optical diffraction radiation. P. Karataev, A. Aryshev (Royal Holloway, U. of London) , S. Araki, N. Terunuma, J. Urakawa (KEK, Tsukuba) , G. Naumenko, A. Potylitsyn (Tomsk Polytechnic U.) . 2008. 15pp. Published in Phys.Rev.ST Accel.Beams 11:032804,2008.
Narrow-width approximation accuracy. C.F. Uhlemann, N. Kauer (Wurzburg U.) . Jul 2008. 22pp. Published in Nucl.Phys.B814:195-211,2009. e-Print: arXiv:0807.4112 [hep-ph] PDF
Commissioning of the LCLS Linac and Bunch Compressors. S.Molloy et al SLAC-PUB-13373, Aug 20, 2008. 4pp. Presented at 30th International Free Electron Laser Conference (FEL 2008), Gyeongju, Korea, 24-29 Aug 2008.
Observation of Coherent Optical Transition Radiation in the LCLS Linac. S.Molloy et al. SLAC-PUB-13395, Sep 18, 2008. 5pp. Presented at 30th International Free Electron Laser Conference (FEL 2008), Gyeongju, Korea, 24-29 Aug 2008.
Measurements of Collimator Wakefields at End Station A. J.L. Fernandez-Hernando (Daresbury) , S. Molloy (SLAC) , J.D.A. Smith (Cockcroft Inst. Accel. Sci. Tech.) , Nigel Keith Watson (Birmingham U.) . EPAC08-WEPP163, Jun 25, 2008. 3pp. In the Proceedings of 11th European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC 08), Magazzini del Cotone, Genoa, Italy, 23-27 Jun 2008, pp WEPP163.
First Measurements of the Longitudinal Bunch Profile at SLAC Using Coherent Smith-Purcell Radiation at 28GeV. V. Blackmore, G. Doucas, B. Ottewell, C. Perry (Unlisted) , R. Arnold, S. Molloy, M. Woods (SLAC) , M.F. Kimmitt (Essex U.) . EPAC08-TUOCM01, Jun 24, 2008. 3pp. In the Proceedings of 11th European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC 08), Magazzini del Cotone, Genoa, Italy, 23-27 Jun 2008, pp TUOCM01.
Beam-Based Alignment, Tuning and Beam Dynamics Studies for the ATF2 Extraction Line and Final Focus System. Glen R. White (LAL, Orsay & SLAC) , S. Molloy, M. Woodley (SLAC) . EPAC08-MOPP039, SLAC-PUB-13303, Jul 25, 2008. 3pp. In the Proceedings of 11th European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC 08), Magazzini del Cotone, Genoa, Italy, 23-27 Jun 2008, pp MOPP039.
The ATLAS trigger/DAQ authorlist, version 1.0. P. Teixeira-Dias et al. ATL-DAQ-PUB-2008-004, ATL-COM-DAQ-2008-016, Nov 2008. 4pp.
Higgs boson searches at LEP. P. Teixeira-Dias (Royal Holloway, U. of London) . Apr 2008. 3pp. To appear in the proceedings of International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics (EPS-HEP2007), Manchester, England, 19-25 Jul 2007. Published in J.Phys.Conf.Ser.110:042030,2008. e-Print: arXiv:0804.4146 [hep-ex] PDF
The user interface for the ATLAS trigger and its use in physics studies. T. Eifert, N. Berger, T. Bold, S. George, R. Goncalo, J. Haller, J. Stelzer, M. Wielers . ATL-DAQ-CONF-2008-001, ATL-COM-DAQ-2008-001, Jan 2008. 4pp.
Standard Model Higgs Searches at the LHC. By ATLAS Collaboration and CMS Collaboration (R. Goncalo for the collaboration). ATL-PHYS-PROC-2008-060, Nov 2008. 4pp. Talk given at 34th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 2008), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 30 Jul - 5 Aug 2008. e-Print: arXiv:0811.3778 [hep-ph] PDF
Event reconstruction algorithms for the ATLAS trigger. T. Fonseca-Martin et al. 2008. 10pp. Published in J.Phys.Conf.Ser.119:022022,2008.
The ATLAS ROBIN. R. Cranfield et al. 2008. 14pp. Published in JINST 3:T01002,2008.
The ILC Reference Design Report ILC Collaboration, including I. Agapov, G. Blair, S.Boogert arXiv:0712.1950 PDF
The User Interface for the ATLAS Trigger and Its Use in Physics Studies S. George, R.Goncalo 2007 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Geneva : CERN, 2007 ATL-DAQ-CONF-2008-001; ATL-COM-DAQ-2008-001 LINK
Beam emittance measurement with laser wire scanners in the International Linear Collider beam delivery system I. Agapov, G. Blair, M. Woodley PR ST-AB 10 112801 (2007)PDF
Results on the 2006/07 CALICE Test Beams at DESY and CERN F.Salvatore 2007 Conference of the American Linear Collider Physics Group (ALCPG07), FNAL, USA, October 2007 PPT
Summary of the 2006 and 2007 CALICE Test Beams at CERN F. Salvatore 83rd Meeting of the CERN SPSC, CERN, October 2007 PPT
Coherent Diffraction Radiation Generated from a Double Target System for Potential Use for Electron Beam Diagnostics P. Karataev VII International Symposium on Radiation from Relativistic Electrons in Periodic Structures, RREPS'07
Single-Shot Electron Beam Size Measurements at KEK - Accelerator Test Facility P. Karataev, A. Aryshev, S. Araki, G. Naumenko, A. Potylitsyn, N. Terunuma, J. Urakawa VII International Symposium on Radiation from Relativistic Electrons in Periodic Structures, RREPS'07
Pre-Wave Zone Effect in Optical Diffraction Radiation at 1.28GeV beam of KEK-ATF P. Karataev, A. Aryshev, S. Araki, G. Naumenko, A. Potylitsyn, N. Terunuma, J. Urakawa VII International Symposium on Radiation from Relativistic Electrons in Periodic Structures, RREPS'07
The ATLAS High Level Trigger Steering S. George International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics CHEP 07 , Victoria, Canada , 2 - 7 Sep 2007 ATL-DAQ-CONF-2007-026 ATL-COM-DAQ-2007-030 FILES
The ATLAS Trigger - Commissioning with cosmic rays S. George, R. Goncalo, RHUL T/DAQ International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics CHEP 07 , Victoria, Canada , 2 - 7 Sep 2007 ATL-DAQ-CONF-2007-024; ATL-COM-DAQ-2007-029 FILES
Feasibility of Pre-Bunched FEL Based on Coherent Diffraction Radiation L. Sukhikh, G. Naumenko, A. Potylitsyn, S. Boogert, P. Karataev, A. Aryshev, J. Urakawa Proceedings of 29th International Free Electron Laser Conference (FEL'07)
Search for Higgs bosons decaying to WW in e+e- collisions The ALEPH Coll., P. Teixeira-Dias et al, Eur. Phys. J. C49 (2007) 439-455. link
Higgs boson searches at LEP P. Teixeira-Dias, 2008 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 110 042030 Procs. of International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics EPS-HEP2007 , Manchester, UK , 19 - 25 Jul 2007 (arXiv:0804.4146, Proceedings)
The ATLAS trigger - high-level trigger commissioning and operation during early data taking R. Goncalo International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics EPS-HEP2007 , Manchester, UK , 19 - 25 Jul 2007 ATL-DAQ-CONF-2007-032; ATL-COM-DAQ-2007-039.- Geneva : CERN, 2007 LINK, Proceedings
Trigger strategies for SUSY searches at the LHC A. De Santo SUSY07, Karlsruhe, Germany, July 2007 ATL-PHYS-CONF-2007-014; ATL-COM-PHYS-2007-073; arXiv:0710.4161
Fast microwave detection system for coherent synchrotron radiation study at KEK: Accelerator test facility A. Aryshev, S. Araki, P. Karataev, T. Naito, N. Terunuma and J. Urakawa Nucl. Instrum. Meth A 580 (2007) 1544-1551, doi:10.1016/j.nima.2007.07.028
Performance of a high resolution cavity beam position monitor system S. T. Boogert, S. Malton (et al.) Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 578 (2007) 1-22, doi:10.1016/j.nima.2007.04.162
The HARP detector at the CERN PS A. De Santo et al. (The HARP Coll.) Nucl.Instrum.Meth. A 571 (2007) 527-561, doi:10.1016/j.nima.2006.08.132
Design of the beam delivery system for the international linear colider A. Seryi (et al. including G. Blair S. Boogert) Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC07) Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jun 2007, PAC07-WEOCAB01
Material damage test for ILC collimators J. L Fernandez-Hernando (et al. including G. Blair and S. Boogert) Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC07) Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jun 2007, PAC07-THPMN072
A Prototype Energy Spectrometer for the ILC at End Station A in SLAC S. Boogert, G. Boorman (et al.) Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC07) Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jun 2007, PAC07-FRPMN090
Resolution of a High Performance Cavity Beam Position Monitor System S. T. Boogert, S. Malton (et al.) Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC07) Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jun 2007, PAC07-FRPMS049
A Technique for High frequency Scanning of High Power Laser Light for Laser wire Scanners at Electrons Accelerators G. Blair, S. T. Boogert, G. E. Boorman, A. Bosco Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC07) Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jun 2007, PAC07-MOPAN110
Beam profile measurements with the 2-D laser-wire at PETRA M. T. Price, G. Blair, S. T. Boogert, G. E. Boorman, A. Bosco, S. Malton (et al.) Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC07) Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jun 2007, PAC07-FRPMN094
ATF extraction line laser-wire system L. Deacon, G. Blair, S. T. Boogert, G. E. Boorman, A. Bosco (et al.) Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC07) Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jun 2007, PAC07-THOAC01
Wakefield Models for Particle Tracking Codes G. Blair and S. Malton Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC07) Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jun 2007, PAC07-THPAN068
Simulation of the Desy and CERN Test Beam Lines Using MOKKA F. Salvatore 2007 Workshop on Linear Collider (LCWS07), Hamburg, May 2007 PDF
Update on the Status of BDSIM S. Malton, G. A. Blair (et al.) International Linear Collider Workshop (ILC07), Hamburg, May 2007 PDF
Focusing of Optical Transition and Diffraction Radiation by a Spherical Target L. G. Sukhikh, G. A. Naumenko, A. P. Potylitsyn, J. Urakawa, A. S. Aryshev, S. Boogert and P. V. Karataev Proceedings of 8th European Workshop on Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation for Particle Accelerators (DIPAC'07) PDF
Measurement of the tau^- --> K^- pi^0 nu_tau Branching Fraction F. Salvatore et al, PRD 76 (2007) 051104(R)
Neutral minima in two-Higgs doublet models A. Barroso, P.M. Ferreira, R. Santos Phys. Lett. B652 181-193,2007. e-Print: hep-ph/0702098 PDF
Search for a fourth generation b-prime-quark at LEP-II at s**(1/2) = 196-GeV 209-GeV By DELPHI Collaboration (J. Abdallah et al.) CERN-PH-EP-2006-023, Eur. Phys.J. C50 507-518 2007. e-Print: arXiv:0704.0594 PDF.
Lepton flavour violating processes at the International Linear Collider P.M. Ferreira, R.B. Guedes, R. Santos. Phys. Rev. D75 055015 2007. e-Print: hep-ph/0611222 PDF.
Design of the Beam Delivery System for the International Linear Collider. Andrei Seryi et al. PAC07-WEOCAB01, FERMILAB-CONF-07-473, SLAC-PUB-12743, FERMILAB-APC, Aug 14, 2007. 3pp. In the Proceedings of Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 07), Albuquerque, New Mexico, 25-29 Jun 2007, pp 1985. Also in Albuquerque 2007, Particle accelerator 1985-1987
Electromagnetic background tests for the ILC interaction-point feedback system. S. Molloy et al. PAC07-WEOBAB01, SLAC-PUB-12758, EUROTEV-REPORT-2007-031, Jun 2007. 3pp. In the Proceedings of Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 07), Albuquerque, New Mexico, 25-29 Jun 2007, pp 1970. Also in Albuquerque 2007, Particle accelerator 1970-1972
Investigations of the Wideband Spectrum of Higher Order Modes Measured on TESLA-style Cavities at the FLASH Linac. S. Molloy et al. FERMILAB-CONF-07-701-AD, PAC07-THPMS049, SLAC-PUB-12595, Jun 27, 2007. 3pp. In the Proceedings of Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 07), Albuquerque, New Mexico, 25-29 Jun 2007, pp 3100. Also in Albuquerque 2007, Particle accelerator 3100-3102
Simulation of ILC feedback BPM signals in an intense background environment.. S. Molloy et al. PAC07-THPMN079, SLAC-PUB-12760, EUROTEV-REPORT-2007-041, 2007. 3pp. . In the Proceedings of Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 07), Albuquerque, New Mexico, 25-29 Jun 2007, pp 2889.
The FONT4 ILC intra-train beam-based digital feedback system prototype.. S. Molloy et al. PAC07-MOPAN108, SLAC-PUB-12759, EUROTEV-REPORT-2007-030, Jun 2007. 3pp.. In the Proceedings of Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 07), Albuquerque, New Mexico, 25-29 Jun 2007, pp 416. Also in Albuquerque 2007, Particle accelerator 416-418 .
Measurement of the Beam's Trajectory using the Higher Order Modes It Generates in a Superconducting Accelerating Cavity. S. Molloy et al. PAC07-THOAC03, FERMILAB-CONF-07-388-AD-CD, SLAC-PUB-12596, Jul 16, 2007. 3pp. In the Proceedings of Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 07), Albuquerque, New Mexico, 25-29 Jun 2007, pp 2642. Also in Albuquerque 2007, Particle accelerator 2642-2644
Measurements of the Transverse Wakefields Due to Varying Collimator Characteristics. S. Molloy, Sergei Seletskiy, Mike Woods (SLAC) , Jonathan David Andrew Smith (Cockcroft Inst. Accel. Sci. Tech.) , Carl David Beard, Juan Luis Fernandez-Hernando (Daresbury) , Nigel Watson (Rutherford) , Adriana Bungau (Manchester U.) , Andre Sopczak (Lancaster U.) . PAC07-FRPMS074, SLAC-PUB-12597, EUROTEV-REPORT-2007-044, Jul 6, 2007. 3pp. In the Proceedings of Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 07), Albuquerque, New Mexico, 25-29 Jun 2007, pp 4207. Also in Albuquerque 2007, Particle accelerator 4207-4212