HSG1 ATLAS :: Higgs --> gamma gamma search channel
List of papers, notes and talks, related to the HSG1 working group (ATLAS
- Expected photon performance in the ATLAS experiment (April 2011) - ATL-PHYS-PUB-2011-007
- Expected electron performance in the ATLAS experiment (April 2011) - ATL-PHYS-PUB-2011-006
- e/gamma - recommendations for EPS2011 (June 2011)
by J Maurer, ATLAS week June 2011) Good overview of key cuts and performance (efficiency, jet rejections) of the electron loose, medium, tight selections.
- Measurement of the inclusive isolated prompt photon cross-section in pp collisions at sqs=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector (2010)
arXiv:1012.4389 hep-ex
Data-driven sideband counting method is explained here (see pages 8-9, and beyond). also a good description of the loose and tight photon selection criteria (text and Appendix A).