IPAC Conference 2013 - Shanghai

20 May 2013 - 17:05:02 by in Conference

This year sees the 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference held in Shanghai over 4 and half days. TomAumeyr and LaurieNevay visited to present recent results on the simulation of Coherent Diffraction Radiation and from the micrometre scale laserwire at the ATF2. Approximately 1200 people presented posters at the conference and it therefore covers a broad range of topics such as facility overviews and future plans, diagnostics and instrumentation, operational results and experience from large facilities, superconducting RF research, magnet development to name but a few of the categories. Plasma accelerators were featured more heavily than in past years, as did energy recovery linacs.

Some topics of particular interest that we found:

  • MOZB201 Overview of the LHeC Design Study at CERN
  • MOODB201 Proton-nucleus Collisions in the LHC - how to achieve collisions and stable beams when the beams are fundamentally different, but they're linked through common hardware (quads and dipoles!)
  • TUYB203 Dielectric Optical Accelerator-based Free Electron Lasers - miniaturising an accelerator to very small sizes with the idea of having a 2m free electron laser - quadrupole gradients can be as great as 1000 T/m for these miniature quads.
  • THUOAB101 Laser Wire based Parallel Profile Scan of H- Beam at the Superconducting Linac of Spallation Neutron Source - 9 simultaneous H- minus laserwires.
Our posters from RHUL are :

  • MOPWA051 ZEMAX Simulations for and Optical System for a Diffraction Radiation Monitor at CesrTA
  • MOPWA052 Short Range Wakefield Measurements of High Resolution RF Cavity Beam Position Monitors at ATF2
  • MOPWA053 Sub-micron Resolution Laserwire Transverse Beam Size Measurement System
The pre-press proceedings are available here and will be available on JACOW around July 2013.

  • A view of the Shanghai skyline from the Bund area looking at the Pudong - 30 years ago it was a muddy field and now it's the heart of China's finnacial affairs. The conference centre is the building that appears to have lit up columns at the foot of the rocket building.

  • Tom manning his poster:

  • The Grand Ballroom setup for dinner:

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Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
JPEGjpg shanghai1.jpg r1 manage 65.1 K 20 May 2013 - 17:04 LaurieNevay Shanghai_photo1
JPEGjpg shanghai2.jpg r1 manage 78.5 K 20 May 2013 - 17:04 LaurieNevay Thom manning his poster.
JPEGjpg shanghai3.jpg r1 manage 109.0 K 20 May 2013 - 17:05 LaurieNevay The Grand Ballroom setup for dinner.
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Topic revision: r3 - 25 May 2013 - TomAumeyr

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