Performed small simulation with wfProc to demonstrate intermodulation distortion
The signals at the difference frequencies appear in the simulation (as well as at harmonics of the frequencies) but the calculated IP3 point is not similar to that measured.
Monday 22nd Oct - Friday 26th October
Produced a wiring diagram for the downconverter ready for assembly.
Also started some simple simulations of the position cavity with GdfidL.
Eigenmode frequencies appear to match those mentioned elsewhere.
Monday 29th October - Friday 9th November
Started with HFSS and Microwave studio packages.
Eigenmode frequencies are similar but HFSS seems to be slightly further off measured values. S parameter measurements with HFSS proved to be difficult, so used MWS instead. S parameters and Q factors seem to vary in their similarity to the measured values.
Comparing these plots to those found in Ctf3Prototype1, the dipole frequency in these simulation are seen to be less than those measured, as well as Q factors. The power at the resonant frequency is similar to that in the measurements. In the simulation there seems to be little variation in the curve for different ports, possibly due to the absence of imperfections found in the actual cavity.
Ran my own script making use of wfproc to see expected signals of the position cavity using measured values from previous work and R/Q from GdfidL simulations.
Monday 12th - Friday 23rd November
Tested the 3 different RF diode detectors and analysed their suitability for the pickup signals.