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Nirav Joshi

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Welcome to the my world of engineering and science. Since April 2009, I am working with the JAI-RHUL as a Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher (ESR), funded by the DITANET program under FP7-people frame work. Under guidance of Dr. Stewart Boogert, my research is about developing a radio frequency (RF) cavity Beam Position Monitor (BPM) system for the high energy linear particle accelerators, such as CLIC. The CLIC is in its conceptual design stage at the CERN, Switzerland-France. Machine parameters such as, high beam current up to 1.5A and high bunch repetition rate of 2GHz, present various challenges in terms of a physics and engineering design.

The primary areas of my interests are in applied RF technology. EM (in RF range as well) energy is present almost everywhere in universe, while being base of modern communication.

Other than Accelerator physics and application of RF and microwave to this field, topics like nuclear fusion, particle dynamics in electromagnetic (EM) field, micro and macro instabilities in the particle machines like accelerators and tokamaks attract me and generate a resonance in my thoughts. Moving onto the low energy side, I always take a glimpse of the topics like condensed matter, super conductivity and medical technology. I always wonder about the inter connections of various technological and pure scientific branches, and now I look at the physics as a mother of all branches. Be proud be a physicist. Other than these scientific topics, I'm always fascinated by evolution of life, human psychology, world political history and economic illusions.

Want to know more about my work?

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Topic revision: r22 - 15 Oct 2011 - JoshiNirav

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