Offline Software & Code Development

Offline Software



Working Area

- You will need a CERN email account and login details

- First you need to request space on SVN for a project. Email: to request.

- Make sure you have an SVN default editor with which you will write short descriptions of files or notes when checking in and out. I used the following:

>SVN='export SVN_EDITOR="emacs"'

Adding/Removing Packages

- To add a package to the area simply use:

>svn add "packageName"

-And to delete files use:

>svn delete "packageName"

-n.b. If the file is not under version control, svn will not allow you to delete. To get around this use

>svn --force delete "packageName"

Checking Packages

- To check packages out use:

> svn co svn+ssh://"loginName""projectTitle"

- Checking packages in you can simply type:

>svn commit

-There are many other useful tools for svn which are listed in terminal by using:

>svn help

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Topic revision: r2 - 15 Jun 2012 - JoshuhaThomasWilsker

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