Matthew Tamsett
Presentations 2009
- 03/09/09 SUSY Working Group
tamsett_SUSY_0309.pdf: tamsett_SUSY_0309.pdf This concerned parameterised trigger efficiencies for trilepton events accross mSUGRA parameter space, using the SUSY grid points generated by the Freiburg and Wisconsin groups.
- 26/05/09 SUSY EtMiss
tamsett_3l_trig_260509.pdf: tamsett_3l_trig_260509.pdf This talk showed electron and muon trigger efficiency determination for all leptons and trileptons in events, as well as event level trigger efficiencies for trilepton events. Also shown was a brief signal acceptance plot.
- 07/04/09 IoP Final talk can be found here
. IoP_09.pdf: oP_09.pdf
- 07/04/09 IoP meeting Draft Talk with extra plots for Antonella; IoP_09_draft1.ppt, pdf of final talk; IoP_09_update.pdf, Short 12 minute talk summarizing ATLAS, trigger and 2008 work SUSY trigger work.
- 16/03/09 Top Trigger Meeting Top specific talk using tight etcone20 cuts (<6 GeV), SUSY style jet veto still applied.
TopTrigger_160309.pdf: TopTrigger_160309.pdf
- 05/02/09 Beatenberg Trigger workshop. Talk on leptonic trigger efficiency determination from data in a top/SUSY context. Includes my work on 2D, 3D and 3*1D parameterisation in rel 13. Also included is some work from NIKHEF on the use of orthogonal triggers to determine muon trigger efficiencies using the jet trigger on top events.
Beatenberg_0209_1.pdf: Beatenberg_0209_1.pdf
- 22/01/09 SUSY trigger meeting, preperation for Beatenburg. Talk focuses on electron trigger efficiency measurement from Z->ee tag and probe in the context of 14TeV SUSY using the EF_e25i_tight trigger. Followed by a discussion of lepton triggers and acceptance in the 10^31 menu.
SUSY_trig_220109.pdf: SUSY_trig_220109.pdf
- 19/01/09 TAPM egamma Beatenberg Trigger workshop preperation.
. Comments included the desire to use trigger e20 (e20_loose in newer versions) to extrapolate ttbar efficiencies as this is what would be done in first data. tapm_egamma_190109.ppt: tapm_egamma_190109.ppt
- 07-09/01/09 UK Atlas week, Oxford 7->9 January, Overview of triggering for SUSY and exotics.
, tamsett_susytrig_090109(3).pdf: tamsett_susytrig_090109(3).pdf
- 06/11/08 egamma. Explains use of 2D/3D parameterisations taken from Z->ee MC and applied to ttbar events. Shown that a 3D parameterisation in Et, Eta and etcone40 parameterises trigger efficiencies in Z->ee and ttbar correctly to within errors.
, tamsett_egamma_061108(2).pdf: tamsett_egamma_061108(2).pdf
- 2009 Template Template_09.sxi: Template_09.sxi
Primary Author
- Electron Trigger Efficiency Determination from Data and its Application in a Supersymmetric Environment. Tamsett, MC (Royal Holloway, University of London); De Santo, A (University of Sussex); Royal Holloway, University of London.); Fonseca-Martin, T (Royal Holloway, University of London). ATL-COM-PHYS-2009-407. Under review for Int status.
Named Contributor
- "Reconstruction and Identification of Electrons", "Reconstruction and Identification of Photons", "Reconstruction of Photon Conversions", "Reconstruction of Low-Mass electron Pairs", "The ATLAS Trigger for Early Running", "Physics Performance Studies and Strategy of the Electron and Photon Trigger Selection" and "Dilepton Resonances at High Mass", all in CERN-OPEN-2008-020, arXiv:0901.0512, Geneva, Dec 2008.
My Analysis
This section will contain a logbook of my work. More complete write ups can be found in linked wiki pages.
April 2008
Producing nTuples from AODs that contain Electron trigger information using the TrigDecisionTool
TrigDecisionTool, Trigger Aware Analysis in v13 (under construction)
Python based Athena and ROOT Analysis
PythonAnalysis, Python based Athena and ROOT Analysis
Z->ee, Tag and Probe Analysis
Example SUSY Analysis
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MatthewTamsett - 08 Apr 2008