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Matthew Tamsett

matt1.jpg ATLAS2.jpg SPA51634a.JPG SPA52036.JPG

Presentations 2009


Primary Author

  • Electron Trigger Efficiency Determination from Data and its Application in a Supersymmetric Environment. Tamsett, MC (Royal Holloway, University of London); De Santo, A (University of Sussex); Royal Holloway, University of London.); Fonseca-Martin, T (Royal Holloway, University of London). ATL-COM-PHYS-2009-407. Under review for Int status.

Named Contributor

  • "Reconstruction and Identification of Electrons", "Reconstruction and Identification of Photons", "Reconstruction of Photon Conversions", "Reconstruction of Low-Mass electron Pairs", "The ATLAS Trigger for Early Running", "Physics Performance Studies and Strategy of the Electron and Photon Trigger Selection" and "Dilepton Resonances at High Mass", all in CERN-OPEN-2008-020, arXiv:0901.0512, Geneva, Dec 2008.

My Analysis

This section will contain a logbook of my work. More complete write ups can be found in linked wiki pages.

April 2008

Producing nTuples from AODs that contain Electron trigger information using the TrigDecisionTool

TrigDecisionTool, Trigger Aware Analysis in v13 (under construction)

Python based Athena and ROOT Analysis

PythonAnalysis, Python based Athena and ROOT Analysis

Z->ee, Tag and Probe Analysis

Example SUSY Analysis

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-- MatthewTamsett - 08 Apr 2008

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Topic revision: r27 - 02 Nov 2009 - MatthewTamsett

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