First Name Neil
Last Name Cooper-Smith

Location RHUL
Country UK
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Neil Cooper-Smith's page

Welcome to my page. I am a third year Trash.PhD student under the supervision of Dr. Pedro Teixeira-Dias, working on ATLAS. My current focus is on parameterisations of photon reconstruction efficiencies for use in the ATLAS fast simulation package, ATLFAST I. I am also investigating a fermiophobic Higgs channel, for which I have performed a background study.


A list of the talks I have given throughout my Trash.PhD can be found via the link below. Many of the talks are internal ATLAS talks and hence will not be visible to anyone outside of the ATLAS collaboration (these talks are marked with a *)



A draft note on the parameterisations of photon reconstruction efficiencies in H->gamgam events will soon be submited for approval.

I am also involved in writing a paper about the search for a fermiophobic Higgs at the LHC.



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Name: Neil Cooper-Smith

Contact Office: Room W263

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Topic revision: r6 - 09 Mar 2012 - NeilCooperSmith

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