NExT Physics Meeting at Royal Holloway (12 May 2010)

33 participants from RAL, Southampton, Sussex and Royal Holloway


10:30 Coffee (Tolansky T118, Bldg. 21)

11:00 Rui Santos (Southampton): Very light Higgs at the LHC

11:35 Fabrizio Salvatore (Sussex): SUSY signatures with tau final states at ATLAS

12:10 Steve King (Southampton): Z’ models at the LHC

12:45 Lunch (Tolansky T118, Bldg. 21)

14:00 Pedro Teixeira-Dias (RHUL): First results with ATLAS data

14:35 Claire Shepherd-Themistocleous (RAL): CMS: Data at last

15:10 Discussion

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Topic revision: r5 - 12 May 2010 - NikolasKauer

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