PH4100 MSci Project - Simulated event samples
General comments
All samples for this project are simulated at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV and with the 2017 configuration for both the ATLAS detector and the LHC.
(Technical details: August 2019 ntuple production, with release 21.2.86; L2 ntuples, i.e. small ntuples, only 288 variables. All the necessary weights are already included in the ntuples. This includes, specifically,
weight_normalise, therefore no need to calculate it on the fly.)
The samples are all available on
linappserv from the directory
The specific samples for this project are in the following root files:
27283690485 Oct 3 17:00 ttH_PoPy8_FS_17.root
2331996673 Oct 9 09:19 ttbar_PP8_dil_AFII_17_0.root
104273559846 Oct 9 10:39 ttbar_PP8_dil_AFII_17_1.root
13461914616 Oct 3 17:09 ttbb_AFII_17.root
543474523 Oct 4 12:02 singletop_FS_17.root
6904819778 Oct 6 11:18 ttV_FS_17.root
315459992 Oct 6 11:20 ttWW3t4t_tWZ_FS_17.root
8988402 Oct 6 10:54 Wjets_FS_17.root
2794320342 Oct 6 10:57 Zjets_FS_17.root
467852988 Oct 4 12:02 diboson_FS_17.root
In these filenames:
- "FS" indicates Full Simulation of the ATLAS detector
- "AFII" indicates Fast Simulation (ATLFAST II) of the ATLAS detector
- "17" indicates 2017 confiuration
Signal sample: ttH
27283690485 Oct 3 17:00 ttH_PoPy8_FS_17.root
The signal sample was generated with PowHeg + PYTHIA 8, and it includes all Higgs decays.
Specific Higgs decays can be selected using the information given here:
selecting a specific Higgs decay mode.
(This sample includes 3 DSIDs: mostly events from 34345 ("2l"), but also some events with two reconstructed leptons from 346343 ("0l") and 346344 ("1l").)
Background samples
2331996673 Oct 9 09:19 ttbar_PP8_dil_AFII_17_0.root
104273559846 Oct 9 10:39 ttbar_PP8_dil_AFII_17_1.root
The ttbar background consists of a top + anti-top quark pair, with additional jets. The sample was generated with PowHeg + PYTHIA 8 (5FS = five-flavour scheme). Note that "dil" in the filenames does not mean that only the dilepton final state was generated; it means that these are the ntuples for the dilepton analysis. This sample includes all of tt + light jets, tt + c-jets and tt + b-jets. The channels included in this sample are: "all hadronic", "non-all hadronic" and "dilepton"; the first two are orthogonal samples, but "non-all hadronic" includes "dilepton" events. For the dilepton analysis there are two main options: either use just the "dilepton" DSIDs, or use all three channels; for the latter it is therefore necessary to remove overlapping dilepton phase space - this is done using the
truth_top_dilep_filter variable in the ntuples.
13461914616 Oct 3 17:09 ttbb_AFII_17.root
This is a dedicated sample for the production of a top-antitop-quark pair plus a b and anti-b pair (4FS = four-flavour scheme). If this sample is used (which is recommended, as this is the main background) the overlap with the tt+bb events already included in the "ttbar" sample above has to be removed. This is done using the
HF_SimpleClassification variable in the ntuples.
single top
543474523 Oct 4 12:02 singletop_FS_17.root
Single top-quark production.
6904819778 Oct 6 11:18 ttV_FS_17.root
Production of a top + anti-top-quark pair with an associated gauge boson (V = W or Z).
315459992 Oct 6 11:20 ttWW3t4t_tWZ_FS_17.root
This sample includes several rare processes with top-quarks: ttWW, 3t and 4t, as well as tWZ.
W+jets, Z+jets
8988402 Oct 6 10:54 Wjets_FS_17.root
2794320342 Oct 6 10:57 Zjets_FS_17.root
Production of a single W or Z gauge boson, with additional jets.
467852988 Oct 4 12:02 diboson_FS_17.root
Production of two heavy gauge bosons: WW, WZ and ZZ.
Pedro Teixeira Dias - 21 Oct 2019