Physics Nobel Prize sweepstake!

26 Sep 2013 - 09:27:13 by in Interesting

Sweepstake for this year's Physics Nobel Prize

The Physics Nobel Prize winners will be announced on October 8th. Try to guess the winners.


1) entrants pay 50p for every name they wish to guess. So if you want to propose the names of three winners, that's three individual bets at 50p each.

2) there is no limit on the no. of bets an entrant can place;

3) bets are secret; each entrant should write their name on a piece of paper as well as the name of each of the scientists they are betting on. Fold the piece of paper and close it with cellotape. Write the amount you have to pay on the outside of your paper, and hand your bet and the corresponding payment to The Sweepstake Officer (please can we have a volunteer?), before 5pm Friday 5 October, 2013.

Distribution of winnings: for every bet that correctly matches a Nobel Prize winner, the bettor gets a fraction 1/N of the money in the pot, where N is the total no. of individual bets that correctly match a winner.

If you want to propose a different/modified way of running the sweepstake, simply reply to this post, and let The Sweepstake Officer know.

Place your bets!

Comments (edit)


A small change in rule 1.) has been decided.

1) It will cost 50p for every bet, NOT every name!

An example series of bets could be;

  1. Higgs
  2. Higgs & Englert
  3. Higgs & Kibble

These would be 50p for each, and an exact match would be required to win.

Entrants can still place as many bets as they want.

Good luck,

Graham Savage

-- PedroTeixeiraDias - 07 Oct 2013


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Topic revision: r1 - 26 Sep 2013 - PedroTeixeiraDias

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