RobinExpress Workplan

Modification Specification

Specify what changes are to be made

Schematic re-creation

The schematics are converted to Mentor DX designer

Netlist comparison

The netlist from the original design can be read into the mentor PCB layout package. The new netlist can be read in and compared with the original.

Schematic modification

The schematic will be changed to use the alternative PPC and PCI interface. Additionally some components will have to be changed if the original has become obsolete.

Component procurement

As most of the changes are known procurement of the components can start asap so that long lead time devices can be sourced.

Schematic checking

The Robin Designers will hopefully all contribute to checking the new schematics

PCB layout

When the checking is done (possibly before it is complete) the layout of the PCB can be done.

PCB manufacture

This will be managed by Viraj

Board assembly

Components are stuck to the PCB


The 2 completed boards will be tested at RHUL

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Topic revision: r1 - 03 Oct 2008 - BarryGreen

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