Particle Physics Seminars 2009 - 2010

Welcome to Royal Holloway, the University of London's Particle Physics Group seminars page!

Particle Physics Seminars are held on Wednesdays at 3:30pm in room T125 in the Tolansky Building, unless indicated otherwise. Tea, coffee and biscuits are served after the seminar at 4:30pm in T118.

Directions: Tolansky Building is marked 21 on the Campus Plan

Speaker suggestions, offers of talks or enquires are very welcome! Please contact Tracey Berry.

Past seminars: (2008/2009) (2007/2008) (2006/2007) (2005/2006) (2004/2005) (2003/2004) (2002/2003) (2000/2001)

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2010 Summer Term

  • Wednesday 28th April - Dr Melissa George (QMUL)
    "Electromagnetic Calorimeter of T2K"

  • Wednesday 5th May - Monica D'Onofrio (Liverpool)
    "Tevatron activities, status of searches for new physics"

  • Thursday 13th May: 2-3pm T125 - Dr Anne Green (Nottingham)
    "WIMP Hunting"

  • Wednesday 19th May - Dr Philipp Mertsch (Oxford)
    "Cosmic rays and dark matter indirect detection"

  • Wednesday 26th May - Dr Aidan Robson (Glasgow)
    "Latest results from Hera and the Tevatron"

  • Wednesday 2nd June - Dr Stephen Molloy (RHUL)
    " Postponed"

  • Thursday 10th June: 2-3pm T125 - Dr Helen Hayward (Liverpool)
    "The Commissioning and Performance of the ATLAS detector"

2010 Spring Term

  • Wednesday 13th January - Dr Gavin Davies (Imperial)
    Higgs Searches at the Tevatron
    *Postponed due to the weather conditions*

  • Wednesday 20th January - Dr Roman Lietava (Birmingham)
    "The Alice Experiment"

  • Wednesday 27th January - Dr Giulia Zanderighi (Oxford)
    "NLO calculations for the LHC with generalized unitarity"

  • Wednesday 3rd February - Dr Gavin Davies (Imperial)
    Higgs Searches at the Tevatron

  • Wednesday 10th February - No seminar - UCAS day

  • Wednesday 17th February - No seminar - UCAS day

  • Wednesday 24th February - No seminar - UCAS day

  • Wednesday 3rd March - No seminar - UCAS day

  • Wednesday 10th March - Professor Jennifer Thomas - Dept. of Physics and Astronomy - (UCL)
    Neutrinos have mass, so now what? The Next Steps in Experimental Neutrino Physics

  • Wednesday 17th March - Dr Nikolas Kauer (RHUL)
    Weak Boson Pair Production at the LHC

  • Wednesday 24th March - Dr Stephen Haywood (RAL)
    The ATLAS Silicon Tracker (SCT) End-cap

2009 Autumn Term

  • Tuesday 1st September - Josef Frisch (SLAC)
    "LCLS Commissioning "

  • Wednesday 7th October - Henrique Araujo (Imperial)
    "Searches for galactic dark matter with ZEPLIN-III and beyond"

  • Wednesday 14th October - Liliana Teodorescu (Brunel)
    "Artificial Evolution Methods in Particle Physics"

  • Wednesday 21st October - No seminar - RHUL hosting ATLAS Top UK meeting

  • Wednesday 28th October - No seminar - SEPnet NEXT meeting at RAL

  • Wednesday 4th November - Ryan Nichol (UCL)
    "The ANITA Experiment"

  • Wednesday 11th November Postponed! - Dr Michele Faucci Gianelli (LAL)

  • Wednesday 18th November - Professor Geoff Hall (Imperial)
    "Plans for ugrading the CMS Detector"

  • Wednesday 25th November - Professor Bryan Webber (Cambridge)
    "Measuring Masses and Spins of New Particles at the LHC"

  • Wednesday 16th December - Dr Terrance Figy (CERN)
    "Theoretical calculations for Higgs searches at the LHC"

Seminars Organised by Dr Tracey Berry (email

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