PP Public TWikiUsers StewartBoogert StewartBoogertTelescope StewartBoogertTelescopeMovieAnalysis

Basic movie analysis

  • solarLimbDarkening.nb: Mathematica functions to extract pixel data from all frames of uncompressed avi file
  • Functions
    • d = singleFrameData[directoryName, fileName, frameNumber]
      • Just gets a single frame from the file and returns 2-D array (list of lists)
      • Really just to understand what is done in a simple way to get the frame from file
    • defineAreaOfInterest[directoryName, fileName]
      • Complicated piece of code to determine a good area of interest
      • Most of the complication is drawing stuff and not physics
    • r = videoData[directoryName, fileName, x0, xw, y0, yw]
      • Loops over all the frames in a file and returns pixel values


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Topic revision: r3 - 08 Oct 2011 - StewartBoogert

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