Summer Bursaries 2010


Information about the Summer Bursaries will be circulated by email to all interested parties. A limited no. of bursaries will be awarded on a competitive basis. Where possible decisions will be made shortly after the end of term.

Eligibility: Summer bursaries will be awarded on a competitive basis. More advanced students will be preferred. MSci students will be preferred over BSc students. Potential Trash.PhD candidates will be preferred. Academic performance in previous examinations and coursework and attendance records will be used as award criteria, as necessary. Final year students are not eligible.

In this page we provide a list of projects requested and/or still being advertised, for Summer 2010. Please note that some of the information may still be incomplete or preliminary.

Interested students should get in touch with prospective supervisors.

Students are required to submit a one-page report on the outcome of their studentship. The report must be signed off by the supervisor and submitted to the RRC chair at the end of the studentship. The report will be filed with the student records.

List of projects being offered (preliminary)

For each project the following information should be provided by the prospective supervisor by email to Denise:

For each project the following information should be provided:

  • Title of project
  • Duration (max 8 weeks)
  • Supervisor
  • Student (if "?", interested students should contact supervisor for more information)
  • Brief description of project

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Topic revision: r3 - 10 Jun 2011 - RobAinsworth

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