Dear Students,

Summer Student Bursaries 2010

It is likely that the Department will support a number of bursaries, awarded on a competitive basis, to support research projects in the department. They are likely to be of interest to those students wishing to continue in physics research after their degree. They are supported at a rate of £165pw (TBC), for a period of up to 8 weeks, during the summer vacation.

You can find the list of students and projects that were proposed in previous years at this location: 2008 2009

A list of projects suggested by members of staff will be collated and will be available from this location:

Students interested in these projects should contact the member of staff concerned. Students are also free to approach as soon as possible members of staff with a view to jointly develop projects. Projects to develop teaching in the Department are also eligible.

DEADLINE: Proposals should be sent to the Departmental Administrator (email Denise Denman) by TBA, with copy to me. We require the following information: Name of student + supervisor Duration of project. Brief description.

Where possible, decisions will be made before the end of term. The number of awards will be subject to academic performance/potential of applicant, quality of project, available funds.

ELIGIBILITY: Summer bursaries will be awarded on a competitive basis. More advanced students will be preferred. MSci students will be preferred over BSc students. Potential PhD candidates will be preferred. Academic performance in previous examinations and coursework and attendance records will be used as award criteria, as necessary. Final year students are not eligible.

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Topic revision: r2 - 17 Dec 2009 - DeniseDenman

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