The Royal Holloway group has been heavily involved in the CALICE test beam programme in 2006 and 2007. The CALICE collaboration has undergone two major test on the electron beam line at Desy and on the SPS electron/pion beam line at CERN.


The Royal Holloway group has been responsible for the installation and maintenance of a set of drift chambers that were used for precision measurement of the beam position during the test beams. The group is also responsible for providing the software used for the off-line analysis of the signals from these detectors.

The Royal Holloway group is also involved in the simulation of the test beam conditions using the Mokka Monte Carlo, a package that is based on the Geant4 simulation tool, and is officialy used by the whole ILC collaboration for test beam and detector optimization studies.

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Topic revision: r3 - 17 Apr 2008 - SimonGeorge

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