Back to coupler studies Rostock Design 2 Impacts Green shows resonant locations for particles emitted in region1. Red for region 2 Only particles emitted from region...
Data 2011 Unskimmed NTUP EGAMMA of all 2011 Data by Run: /scratch3/hayden/D3PD/Rel16/PeriodAB /scratch3/hayden/D3PD/Rel16/PeriodD /scratch3/hayden/D3PD/Rel16/PeriodE...
Higer Order Mode Coupler Design Back to studies Design from Rama Calaga Design from Multipacting Studies...
Back to Coupler studies Simulation Simulation performed using Track3p with eigenmode provided by Omega3p. Mesh size: 178148 second order elements The design split...
Back to HOMcoupler studies Eigth orientations are considered at 45 degree intervals. Below shows the orientation for 0 degrees. The coupler is then rotated 45 degrees...
Back to Coupler Studies Simulation Simulation performed using Track3p with eigenmode provided by Omega3p. Mesh size: 143695 second order elements Each simulation...
Back to HOM coupler studies 1200 electrons are emitted every 3.6 degrees for 1 RF cycle. Then tracked for a further 19 RF cycles. Region 6 and 2 appear to be the most...
Back to RobAinsworthHOMcoupler Studies Simulation Simulation performed using Track3p with eigenmode provided by Omega3p. Mesh size: 281011 second order elements...
Rostock Design Back to RobAinsworthHOMcoupler Studies Simulation Simulation performed using Track3p with eigenmode provided by Omega3p. Mesh size: 178148 second...
Animation Eigenmode from Omega3p Electrons tracked using Track3p Animation showing a number being emitted from the iris of the cavity. These electrons are then...
Preliminary Scans of FETS RFQ Modes Two modes were looked at as shown below 319MHz Zscan appears asymmetric probably due to scan being off center. Circle scan shows...
HSG1 ATLAS :: Higgs gamma gamma search channel List of papers, notes and talks, related to the HSG1 working group (ATLAS 1 Expected photon performance in the...
PH4100 Major Project Information regarding 4th year projects based on ATLFAST ntuples. (See my Log Book 11, page 10, for useful notes for the project kick off meetings...
NExT Meeting at Royal Holloway Wednesday 15 October 2008 For directions and buildings on campus see here If you are coming by car you must register by Friday 10 October...