Recent Changes in PP/Public Web retrieved at 19:55 (GMT)

Pedro Teixeira Dias Name: Pedro TD Office: W260 Phone: 44 (1784) 443453 Position: Reader in Particle Physics My Links .ATasteOfTWiki view...
PP/Public Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the PP/Public web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in...
Callum Kilby`s Tutorials and Useful Code Useful Code krenewRun: running local jobs without your kerberos/AFS tokens either expiring or being lost An issue when running...
Tutorials and tips that may come in useful This is still a massive work in progress. At some point I will copy out some of the notes I have made which have been useful...
Git Guide Introduction was created by Linus to manage the linux kernel (as svn was too slow). It`s especially useful when you have lots of people developing simultaneously...
Useful links Offline Software Tutorial to ATLAS statistical tools AdamBozson1 30 Oct 2015
Joshuha Thomas Wilsker`s Homepage Hello and welcome to my homepage. I am currently a PHD student in the particle physics group at Royal Holloway College, University...
RHUL Centre for Particle Physics: Group members The RHUL Centre for Particle Physics includes the experimental particle physics group, the phenomenology group and...
Tim Brooks Third Year PhD Student Supervised by Cowan My Links web space at RHUL My research Slides for talks Datasets I`m using My Event...
Jacob`s collection of useful tutorials and tips Computing at PP RHUL How to mount your pphome on your personal laptop/computer at RHUL This is a particularly useful...
Dr Stewart T. Boogert (John Adams Institute) Research info Publications and talks Work diary Drop box photos hosted on Smugmug Teaching info...
My Pages CLIC Cavity BPM CLIC Cavity BPM Second Generation Logbooks Logbook
REF2014 Impact Case `Engaging the public with current research in Particle Physics` RHUL Centre for Particle Physics list of relevant outreach events in the period...
REF2014 Impact Case `Engaging the public with current research in Particle Physics` Corroborating evidence Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition 2013 Copy...
Lost Lecture: `Finding the Higgs`, by Dr Veronique Boisvert Reaction on Twitter: collected tweets Dr Veronique Boisvert of CERN explaining Higgs Boson brilliantly...
Gardner Room Bookings Please use the New Google Calendar based system for booking this room at /view/PP/Public/GardnerRoom or use this QR Code Please note: This...
Update A small change in rule 1.) has been decided. 1) It will cost 50p for every bet, NOT every name! An example series of bets could be; 1 Higgs 1 Higgs...
This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this 1 web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have to come...

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Physics WebpagesRHUL WebpagesCampus Connect • Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX; Tel/Fax +44 (0)1784 434455/437520

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