PP/Public Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the PP/Public web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in...
Callum Kilby`s Tutorials and Useful Code Useful Code krenewRun: running local jobs without your kerberos/AFS tokens either expiring or being lost An issue when running...
Tutorials and tips that may come in useful This is still a massive work in progress. At some point I will copy out some of the notes I have made which have been useful...
Git Guide Introduction was created by Linus to manage the linux kernel (as svn was too slow). It`s especially useful when you have lots of people developing simultaneously...
Joshuha Thomas Wilsker`s Homepage Hello and welcome to my homepage. I am currently a PHD student in the particle physics group at Royal Holloway College, University...
RHUL Centre for Particle Physics: Group members The RHUL Centre for Particle Physics includes the experimental particle physics group, the phenomenology group and...
Jacob`s collection of useful tutorials and tips Computing at PP RHUL How to mount your pphome on your personal laptop/computer at RHUL This is a particularly useful...
REF2014 Impact Case `Engaging the public with current research in Particle Physics` RHUL Centre for Particle Physics list of relevant outreach events in the period...
REF2014 Impact Case `Engaging the public with current research in Particle Physics` Corroborating evidence Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition 2013 Copy...
Lost Lecture: `Finding the Higgs`, by Dr Veronique Boisvert Reaction on Twitter: collected tweets Dr Veronique Boisvert of CERN explaining Higgs Boson brilliantly...
Gardner Room Bookings Please use the New Google Calendar based system for booking this room at /view/PP/Public/GardnerRoom or use this QR Code Please note: This...
Update A small change in rule 1.) has been decided. 1) It will cost 50p for every bet, NOT every name! An example series of bets could be; 1 Higgs 1 Higgs...
This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this 1 web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have to come...