PH4100 Major Project (for projects before 2010) Information regarding 4th year projects based on ATLFAST ntuples. See my Log Book 11, page 10, for useful notes for...
Dan`s Guide to Visiting CERN Living in Geneva Important General Tips! Money Exchange What ever you are tempted to do, DO NOT exchange money with Travelex or any...
Particle Physics Seminars 2010 2011 Royal Holloway, the University of London`s Particle Physics Group seminars page has now moved here! Speaker suggestions,...
Instructions for registering In order to register with the RHUL particle physics group TWiki you must send an email to the TWiki administrator. The email must contain...
The ATLAS Trigger Students and staff from RHUL are involved in a wide range of work on the ATLAS Trigger, from developing software to select electrons in a few milliseconds...
Papers Publications Page My Publications note for the measurement of the production cross section of Wenu and Zee at sqrt(s) 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector...
John Adams Institute The John Adams Institute for Science is a joint venture between the Physics department at Royal Holloway and the Nuclear and Particle Physics...
Stephen Molloy Biography Lecturer in accelerator physics, held as a joint appointment with the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC). Name: Stephen...
Newton cluster comes home After two years hosted by Imperial College, our `Newton` Grid computing cluster has finally been relocated to Royal Holloway`s new state...
LearningCurve MatthewRose Improving ATLAS Trigger code Editing trigger code to meet coding guidelines Packages TrigEgammaHypo/ The following have been checked...