RHUL Physicists ready for LHC startup The official start date of the LHC is 10th September 2008. It will be covered live on Radio 4 and a webcast from CERN. Particle...
The ATLAS read out buffer input card, designed and built at RHUL. Data Acquisition at RHUL ATLAS work On ATLAS, we had a major involvement in the design, development...
Particle Physics the story so far So far 90,000 sets of the first version have been sent to teachers and pupils in over 1,000 schools in the UK. We have now produced...
Studies toward a detector for future accelerators At RHUL, as a complement to the work done in JAI, we are involved in detector studies for future accelerators. More...
The Royal Holloway group has been heavily involved in the CALICE test beam programme in 2006 and 2007. The CALICE collaboration has undergone two major test on the...
Physics at Royal Holloway using the BaBar Detector The BaBar group at Royal Holloway has been primarily involved in CP violation and Tau studies using the BaBar detector...
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