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Useful links Offline Software Tutorial to ATLAS statistical tools AdamBozson1 30 Oct 2015
The ATLAS experiment photos/detsite/detsite surface.html photos/fulldetector/events.html The Large Hadron Collider...
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AcademicsInfoGroup Member list (comma separated list): Set GROUP .TwikiAdministrator, .GlenCowan, .PedroTeixeiraDias, .StewartBoogert, .TraceyBerry...
ATF LW Inventory Item S/N Quantity Info Notes High power Nd:YAG laser mirror Y1 2037 45 P UV 6 Link UV means...
Computing Network Name Type cpplab switch0 Nortel BayStack 5510 48T cpplab switch1 Nortel BayStack 5510 48T cpplab...
Dark Matter Inventory Item Model Number S/N Quantity Manual Notes NIM linear power supply CAEN N8315 1 Hardcopy...
Microlab Inventory Item S/N Quantity Manual Notes TTI 300 MHz Arbitrary Waveform Generator TGA12104 342295 1 http...
BPM Inventory Item S/N Quantity Manual Notes ROHDE SCHWARZ SIGNAL GENERATOR SMF100A 1167.0000.02 1 Link 134....
Store Inventory Item S/N Quantity Link Notes Tti 40MHz ARBITRARY WAVEFORM GENERATOR TGA 1244 1 Link osc54832s.pp...
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Alexey Lyapin Projects Bpm tutorial Logbook Logbook2011
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Physics at Royal Holloway using the BaBar Detector The BaBar group at Royal Holloway has been primarily involved in CP violation and Tau studies using the BaBar detector...
Preliminary Scans of FETS RFQ Modes Two modes were looked at as shown below 319MHz Zscan appears asymmetric probably due to scan being off center. Circle scan shows...
Blog AddOn A simple weblog application. See .BlogAddOn for an introduction and installation instructions. This topic is meant for administrators and serves as introduction...
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1 by 2 in 3 , , ` Comments (edit) Home handouts.html Particle Physics the story so far Books http://hands on Hands on CERN...
Callum Kilby`s Tutorials and Useful Code Useful Code krenewRun: running local jobs without your kerberos/AFS tokens either expiring or being lost An issue when running...
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Clare Quarman, PhD Student 2002 2009 Clare has now moved on to physics tutoring. Clare`s old research homepage including the QCDnum C wrapper: http://www.pp.rhul...
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DITANET Accelerator Diagnostics school ditanet poster FINAL.pdf: ditanet poster FINAL.pdf
var gaJsHost ((`https:` document.location.protocol) ? `https://ssl.` : `http://www.`); document.write(unescape(`%3Cscript src `` gaJsHost `google analytics...
Dan`s Guide to Visiting CERN Living in Geneva Important General Tips! Money Exchange What ever you are tempted to do, DO NOT exchange money with Travelex or any...
var gaJsHost ((`https:` document.location.protocol) ? `https://ssl.` : `http://www.`); document.write(unescape(`%3Cscript src `` gaJsHost `google analytics...
Data Samples Samples Cross Sections We maintain a list of Samples and all relevant information on Page How To Make a MC Production Request To Start Overview...
Data 2011 Unskimmed NTUP EGAMMA of all 2011 Data by Run: /scratch3/hayden/D3PD/Rel16/PeriodAB /scratch3/hayden/D3PD/Rel16/PeriodD /scratch3/hayden/D3PD/Rel16/PeriodE...
var gaq gaq ; gaq.push( ` setAccount`, `UA 12760040 4` ); gaq.push( ` trackPageview` ); (function() { var ga document.createElement(`script`...
Interesting Papers Page CERN W/Z Papers note for the measurement of the production cross section of Wenu and Zee at sqrt(s) 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector...
ACR Shifts Date Hours Desk Cumulative Shifts Completed 23/11/09 15:00 23:00 DAQ 1 Yes 01/02/10 23:00 07:00 DAQ 2 Yes 02/02/10 23:00 07:00 DAQ 3 Yes 26/02/10 15:...
Papers Publications Page My Publications note for the measurement of the production cross section of Wenu and Zee at sqrt(s) 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector...
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The ATLAS read out buffer input card, designed and built at RHUL. Data Acquisition at RHUL ATLAS work On ATLAS, we had a major involvement in the design, development...
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Studies toward a detector for future accelerators At RHUL, as a complement to the work done in JAI, we are involved in detector studies for future accelerators. More...
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Diamond Interferometer This page describes the work undertaken at Diamond Light Source up to the week ending 20/07/2012. Interferometer Construction
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Directions and other useful information for participants ATLAS UK Physics meeting RHUL 5 7 January, 2011 Back to UK 2011 site. Lost and Found The following items...
Directions and other useful information for visitors to GridPP24 at RHUL Back to site. Travel to RHUL Royal Holloway is situated about 20 miles south west of London...
Directions for visitors to the particle physics group at RHUL We are based mainly on the 2nd floor of the Wilson building, no. 22 on the plan. The physics department...
(Draft twiki page) IRPs table Academic IRP 2010 Surname, Firstname file Antonov, Vladimir not available Right, Just not available...
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Coupler Simulations The port width is the section of the width of the waveguide end that is open. waveonres.png: wavedetuned.png: The slot...
Personal Details Name: Fabrizio Salvatore Office: W263 Phone: 3460 Position: Research Associate WEB page E mail Work interests I am...
Large Hadron Collider: latest news! (2pm 10 September, 2008) Earlier today a major milestone was crossed in the Large Hadron Collider at CERN: a proton beam was...
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Francis Cullinan MPhys from the University of Liverpool STFC funded postgraduate with the John Adams Institute at Royal Holloway since September 2010 Activity As...
Full System Calibration of the BPMs at ATF2 Origin of the Calibration Constants A clearer version of the text in this first section is attached here. Electronics...
Francis Cullinan MPhys from the University of Liverpool STFC funded postgraduate with the John Adams Institute at Royal Holloway since September 2010 Activity As...
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Gardner Room Bookings Please use the New Google Calendar based system for booking this room at /view/PP/Public/GardnerRoom or use this QR Code Please note: This...
Gary Boorman Electronics Engineer Projects LaserWire at PETRA3, DESY Front End Test Stand (RAL) Laserwire Front End Test Stand (RAL) Needle Scanner...
Gary`s Diamond Detector notes A typical Diamond Detector supplied by Diamond Detectors Ltd Some notes on and Electronics Schematic for 60dB Amplifier...
Gary Boorman Electronics Engineer Front End Test Stand at RAL Some notes on the Electronics used at on the FETS at RAL. (Link to Tom`s pages later) The output from...
The Laserwire at FETS We`re waiting for a redesign of the Faraday cup, and for safety interlocks for the laser...
Needle Scanner at FETS The needle scanner uses a 1.6mm tungsten welding electrode moved through the ion beam to measure its width. Current flows along the electrode...
Gary`s LabVIEW Page Gary is a Certified LabVIEW Developer ( CLD ) PH2150 Scientific Skills LabVIEW and Data Acquisition Notes and Exercises for the post grad...
Gary`s PetraIII LaserWire notes LaserWire Layout in Accelerator Lab Timing for Clock, Laser and DAQ signals more notes will be appearing here shortly...
Gaussian Beams Gaussian beams differ to that of parallel rays. It is called a Gaussian beam as it`s transverse intensity profile follows a gaussian distribution, with...
If you`re looking to learn Geant4 (Geometry Tracking) software, then the materials of a recent workshop are online. Slides are and the tutorials are http://geant...
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Grid computing at RHUL 72157603489608766/ Access to massive computing...
Name: grigori rybkine Email: Grigori.Rybkine #64; Location: LAL, Orsay, Paris Office: n/a Phone: n/a Position: n/a Comment: Grigori...
RHUL Centre for Particle Physics: Group members The RHUL Centre for Particle Physics includes the experimental particle physics group, the phenomenology group and...
Group publications Publications in 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007. 2010 Search for Charged Lepton Flavor Violation in Narrow Upsilon Decays. By The BABAR Collaboration...
Particle Physics Seminars 2008 2009 Seminars are held on Wednesdays at 15:30 in room T125 unless indicated otherwise. Full list of recent and upcoming seminars...
Particle Physic Seminars 2007 2008 Seminars are held on Wednesdays at 15:30 in room T125 unless indicated otherwise. Full list of recent and upcoming seminars is...
HSG1 ATLAS :: Higgs gamma gamma search channel List of papers, notes and talks, related to the HSG1 working group (ATLAS 1 Expected photon performance in the...
Rostock Design Back to RobAinsworthHOMcoupler Studies Simulation Simulation performed using Track3p with eigenmode provided by Omega3p. Mesh size: 178148 second...
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Friday 5th July 2013 Yesterday marked the first anniversary of the announcement of the discovery of the Higgs particle at CERN. One year ago the ATLAS and CMS experiments...
This year sees the 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference held in Shanghai over 4 and half days. TomAumeyr and LaurieNevay visited to present recent results...
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Tutorials and tips that may come in useful This is still a massive work in progress. At some point I will copy out some of the notes I have made which have been useful...
PH4100 MSci Major Project Inspecting a signal ntuple This is page is related to the PH4100 MSci Major Projects. Once you have some simulated event samples to analyse...
Last week, Richard Eggleston and myself attended the Invisibles13 summer school. This summer school, held in the beautiful city of Durham between the 10th and 15th...
My Pages CLIC Cavity BPM CLIC Cavity BPM Second Generation Logbooks Logbook
Monday 1st Friday 19th October Read papers/presentations: 2012 CLIC BPM 2012 CLIC BPM BPM for Linear Collider Powerpoint BPM for ILC energy spectrometer...
Hey, my name is Jacobo Blanco although English speakers call me Jacob or Jay, its just much easier. I`ve recently been awarded with an MSci in Astrophysics. My thesis...
Jacob`s collection of useful tutorials and tips Computing at PP RHUL How to mount your pphome on your personal laptop/computer at RHUL This is a particularly useful...
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Hey, my name is Jacobo Blanco although English speakers call me Jacob or Jay, its just much easier. I`ve recently been awarded with an MSci in Astrophysics. My thesis...
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John Adams Institute The John Adams Institute for Science is a joint venture between the Physics department at Royal Holloway and the Nuclear and Particle Physics...
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Nirav Joshi (Page is under construction) Welcome to the my world of engineering and science. Since April 2009, I am working with the JAI RHUL as a Marie Curie...
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Joshuha Thomas Wilsker`s Homepage Hello and welcome to my homepage. I am currently a PHD student in the particle physics group at Royal Holloway College, University...
RHUL Journal Club Welcome to the RHUL Journal Club! Details Held fortnightly in the 264 Conference Room and on Zoom, on a day and at a time TBC for ~1 hour....
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Large Hadron Collider The LHC is a giant scientific instrument built at the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN). It is built to accelerate, store and collide...
RHUL Physicists ready for LHC startup The official start date of the LHC is 10th September 2008. It will be covered live on Radio 4 and a webcast from CERN. Particle...
Overview papers on Higgs, LHC Physics, detectors, etc LHC physics Physics at the LHC F Gianotti, Physics Reports 403 404 (2004) 379 399. ~/DOCUMENTS/FGianotti...
Large Hadron Collider back in Action! Tuesday 24 November 2009 #8211; Physicists at RHUL are excited about the restart of the operation of the largest scientific...
Post Grad LabVIEW Course Fundamentals This course introduces the National Instruments LabVIEW environment and its use in programming data acquisition and control...
PH2150 Scientific Skills LabVIEW and Data Acquisition Course Overview
Antonella`s Laptop Set MYTITLE Mytitle in Laptop Set MYDESCR Set MYKEYS Under /opt it is installed: firefox created...
Large Hadron Collider: latest news! (2pm 10 September, 2008) Earlier today a major milestone was crossed, in the Large Hadron Collider at CERN: a proton beam was...
Git Guide Introduction was created by Linus to manage the linux kernel (as svn was too slow). It`s especially useful when you have lots of people developing simultaneously...
Dr. Lawrence Charles Deacon (John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science) Position: Post doctoral research assistant Room: W256 Tel: 44(0)1784414304...
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ServiceWork MatthewRose Keeping track of tips etc. as I learn them TrigEFDielectronMassFex Moved MsgStream , IToolSvc StatusCode from header...
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Local Food Drink Guide Guide to local places for food and drink, reviewed by members of the particle physics group. General links advisor: pubs and restaurants...
Here would stand the information about the London office: Address: Phone: Fax: List of employees at LondonOffice. Related topic: OfficeLocations...
In the John Adams Institute we have developed a lot of simulation capability in and simulation of beam lines and this work was started by our former head of group...
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atlasPhysics.sty For those writing theses/notes/papers, I have made a pdf with all the shortcuts included in atlasphysics.sty, the atlas style file. The pdf is here...
Matthew Tamsett Presentations 2009 03/09/09 SUSY Working Group 66331 tamsett SUSY 0309.pdf: tamsett...
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MembersGroup Member list (comma separated list): Set GROUP .TwikiAdministrator, .MembersGroupMember, .StewartBoogert, .AndrzejMisiejuk, .BarryGreen...
Microwave Lab Interferometer This page explains the concept behind our interferometer. It is still in the design stage as of . A key feature of the instability is...
Microwave Laboratory Preliminary Testing During the early construction stage of the anechoic chamber, testing of the power meter and RF source were conducted by a...
NExT Phenomenology lecturer/fellowships This is a copy of the advertisement that can be found on our Personnel web site given below. Applications are invited for...
Neil Cooper Smith`s page Welcome to my page. I am a third year Trash.PhD student under the supervision of Dr. Pedro Teixeira Dias, working on ATLAS. My current focus...
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Neil Cooper Smith`s page Welcome to my page. I am a third year Trash.PhD student under the supervision of Dr. Pedro Teixeira Dias, working on ATLAS. My current focus...
Neil`s ATLAS RHUL Meeting Page Date of meeting: 28/07/09 Date of meeting: 21/07/09 ATLASRHULMtg210709.pdf: Update: Atlfast I Problems in rel 14 Date of meeting...
Neil`s Talks Public Talks: IOP HEPP Oxford 6/4/09 ppt Internal ATLAS Talks:
Bla bla This is a heading etc
Newton cluster comes home After two years hosted by Imperial College, our `Newton` Grid computing cluster has finally been relocated to Royal Holloway`s new state...
NExT Physics Meeting at Royal Holloway (12 May 2010) 33 participants from RAL, Southampton, Sussex and Royal Holloway Agenda 10:30 Coffee (Tolansky T118, Bldg....
NExT Meetings Wednesday October 15th 2008 Wednesday October 28th 2009 Wednesday May 12th 2010
BPM papers: M. Slater, Cavity BPM System Tests for the ILC Energy Spectrometer Yoichi. I, Development of a high resolution cavity beam position monitor...
Nirav Joshi (Page is under construction) Welcome to the my world of engineering and science. Since April 2009, I am working with the JAI RHUL as a Marie Curie...
NLS DIAMOND cavity Time domain simulation: Electric field magnitude Bunch Charge: 1.6e 9C Bunch length: Two sigma of 4mm Beam is offset 1mm in X and...
NLS Diamond cavity BPM: T3P simulation Parameter Value Bunch charge 1.6 nC Bunch offset 1 mm along Y axis Bunch length, sigma 8mm Number...
Thesis with after viva corrections. Thesis NiravJoshi AfterCorrections.pdf: Thesis with after viva corrections.
Nobody Group Member list: Set GROUP Persons/group who can change the list: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE .TWikiAdminGroup Used to prevent dangerous...
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The OfficeLocations topic has a list of all your offices. RHUL CERN SLAC (This is an example of corporate intranet use and is for demonstration...
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Particle Physics the story so far So far 90,000 sets of the first version have been sent to teachers and pupils in over 1,000 schools in the UK. We have now produced...
PH3110 BSc projects / PTD Introduction This TWiki topic collects some information that is relevant to the numerical simulation projects for PH3110 that are supervised...
PH4100 Major Project (for projects before 2010) Information regarding 4th year projects based on ATLFAST ntuples. See my Log Book 11, page 10, for useful notes for...
PH4100 Major Project Information regarding 4th year projects based on ATLFAST ntuples. (See my Log Book 11, page 10, for useful notes for the project kick off meetings...
PH4100 MSci Major Projects ATLAS ttH (H bb) Introduction This project is based on the analysis of simulated data of proton proton collisions in the ATLAS particle...
PH4100 MSci Project Simulated event samples General comments All samples for this project are simulated at a centre of mass energy of 13 TeV and with the 2017 configuration...
PH4100 MSci Project Simulated event samples General comments All samples for this project are simulated at a centre of mass energy of 13 TeV and correspond to...
Notes on using Multivariate Analysis methods Introduction This page is a repository of some useful information for applying multivariate (MVA) methods to data analysis...
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Embedded PDF with toolbar, navpanes, scrollbar Embedded PDF without toolbar, navpanes, scrollbar pumpkin.pdf: Pumpkin (pdf file)
Pedro Teixeira Dias Name: Pedro TD Office: W260 Phone: 44 (1784) 443453 Position: Reader in Particle Physics My Links .ATasteOfTWiki view...
Pedro Teixeira Dias Name: Pedro TD Office: W260 Phone: 44 (1784) 443453 Position: Reader in Particle Physics My Links .ATasteOfTWiki view...
Pedro`s trunk of papers Useful links to Particle Physics papers, reviews, preprints, manuals, etc Reviews Physics at the high energy frontier: the Large...
Name: Peter Thoeny Email: Peter #64; Comment: Peter is the author of TWiki and therefore a TWiki:Codev/CoreTeam member. See home page at TWiki...
Trash.PhD opportunities in Particle Physics (Experiment and Theory) and Accelerator Physics at RHUL The Centre for Particle Physics at Holloway, University...
Particle Physics Phenomenology Placeholder. This is a new activity at RHUL. Content coming soon. .SimonGeorge 16 Dec 2008
PhysicsGroup Member list (comma separated list): Set GROUP .TwikiAdministrator, .StephenMolloy, .StewartBoogert, .JonathanBurnett Persons/group...
ATLAS Physics Studies at RHUL Higgs Searches We are working on the detection and measurement of the properties of light Higgs boson signals predicted in the...
Sweepstake for this year`s Physics Nobel Prize The Physics Nobel Prize winners will be announced on October 8th. Try to guess the winners. Rules: 1) entrants pay...
Update A small change in rule 1.) has been decided. 1) It will cost 50p for every bet, NOT every name! An example series of bets could be; 1 Higgs 1 Higgs...
Pietro Giampa : Log Books (Most Recent Ones): 2013 2013 2013 2012 2012 Demonstrating Schedule : Pietro Giampa Experiment : DMTPC Papers : Twiki...
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Back to RobAinsworthHOMcoupler Studies Simulation Simulation performed using Track3p with eigenmode provided by Omega3p. Mesh size: 281011 second order elements...
Back to HOM coupler studies 1200 electrons are emitted every 3.6 degrees for 1 RF cycle. Then tracked for a further 19 RF cycles. Region 6 and 2 appear to be the most...
Beam Generated Radiation Diagnostics and Applications. Introduction Beam generated radiation diagnostics is a area of research within JAI at Royal Holloway. Several...
Recent Papers RHUL academic authors ATLAS Expected Performance of the ATLAS Experiment Detector, Trigger and Physics (ATLAS CSC book) To be submitted soon...
Lost Lecture: `Finding the Higgs`, by Dr Veronique Boisvert Reaction on Twitter: collected tweets Dr Veronique Boisvert of CERN explaining Higgs Boson brilliantly...
Instructions for registering In order to register with the RHUL particle physics group TWiki you must send an email to the TWiki administrator. The email must contain...
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Animation Eigenmode from Omega3p Electrons tracked using Track3p Animation showing a number being emitted from the iris of the cavity. These electrons are then...
Monopole Mode Excitation The voltage induced by a point charge, %$q$%, according to the fundamental theorem of beam loading given by \Delta V {q,n} q \frac{\omega...
Higer Order Mode Coupler Design Back to studies Design from Rama Calaga Design from Multipacting Studies...
Back to Coupler studies Simulation Simulation performed using Track3p with eigenmode provided by Omega3p. Mesh size: 178148 second order elements The design split...
Back to coupler studies Rostock Design 2 Impacts Green shows resonant locations for particles emitted in region1. Red for region 2 Only particles emitted from region...
Back to Coupler studies Plate modifications Left: Bumps1, Right: Bumps2
Hamiltonian Mechanics This information is a summary of the relevant information from the Beam Dynamics in Particle Accelerators course given by A. Wolski. Path Length...
Hamiltonian Studies Hamiltonian Mechanics Hamiltonian For TM010 Field
Back to Coupler Studies Simulation Simulation performed using Track3p with eigenmode provided by Omega3p. Mesh size: 143695 second order elements Each simulation...
Back to HOMcoupler studies Eigth orientations are considered at 45 degree intervals. Below shows the orientation for 0 degrees. The coupler is then rotated 45 degrees...
HOMcoupler Studies Dark current Studies Beadpull Hamiltonian Studies HOM Beam Dynamics Studies
Hamiltonian For TM010 Field The time dependent magnetic vector potential for a TM010 mode field is given by: A x 0 A y 0 A s \frac{\hat{E s}}{\omega}J 0 (k\rho...
RobinExpress Workplan Modification Specification Specify what changes are to be made Schematic re creation The schematics are converted to Mentor DX designer Netlist...
Room W256, W258, W259, W262
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Russell Kirk PhD Student Research Interests Theoretical Particle Physics with Dr Stephen West E mail Links Departmental Page My Personal Preferences...
One of the requirements of being a PhD student in the particle physics department at most UK institutions is that the students must attend a two week summer school...
VeroniqueBoisvert 26 Sep 2013 That is a really interesting account, thanks Emily!
RHUL SUSY Meeting 29/04/08 Please upload your slides here: Matthew Tina Jasna Teresa Fabrizio Antonella
Here would stand the information about the San Jose office: Address: Phone: Fax: List of employees at SanJoseOffice. Related topic: OfficeLocations...
Information for Schools BooksWebSites Books and web sites containing useful information Order the RHUL Particle Physics Summary Sheets about...
Particle Physics Seminars 2009 2010 Welcome to Royal Holloway, the University of London`s Particle Physics Group seminars page! Particle Physics Seminars are held...
Particle Physics Seminars 2010 2011 Royal Holloway, the University of London`s Particle Physics Group seminars page has now moved here! Speaker suggestions,...
LearningCurve MatthewRose Improving ATLAS Trigger code Editing trigger code to meet coding guidelines Packages TrigEgammaHypo/ The following have been checked...
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First blog post to the Centre for Particle Physics Blog. This is blog for the entire group to write and contribute to. The posts can be Interesting ideas in particle...
M. Stephan Tietz MPhil student between October 2009 and July 2012 Supervisor/Adviser: Nikolas Kauer Contact:
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Stephen Molloy Biography Lecturer in accelerator physics, held as a joint appointment with the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC). Name: Stephen...
Dr Stephen M. West Departmental Webpage Lecturer/ web/NExT web.htm NExT Institute fellow in particle physics jointly...
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Dr Stewart T. Boogert (John Adams Institute) Research info Publications and talks Work diary Drop box photos hosted on Smugmug Teaching info...
Handout set 1 Handout set 2 Handout set 3
Work diary 2011 2011/05/05 SVN technical tutorial (6 participants)
Mathematica lecture 2.nb: lecture 2.nb Drop box for getting files 04/02/09 JAI Linear collider talk : JAI LinearCollider v6.ppt : (14 Mbyte) 07/...
Linux Admin notes Mainly SL5 series, helpful for visiting laboratories etc Permissions chmod u g o a w r x Package installation Services chkconfig...
Mac OSX version (10.6.8) Native packages Package Version gcc 4.2.1 texshop 2.46 inkscape 0.48 gimp 2.6.11 emacs 22....
Mac information and news Science on macs Apple Macs for scientific reserach @ science/ Apple science software...
Stewart Boogert Public page Public presentations and research history 2011 ATF2 project meeting talk IPAC11 San Sabastien (Spain) A B 2nd Annual...
Scientific linux 5.3 Installed kernel 2.6.18 128.1.1.el5 gcc 4.1.2 python 2.4.3 Need to install python devel gcc gfortran gcc c...
1 `s sidebar ... ... ... Welcome Guest User`s Guide Reference Manual Good Style...
Teaching information Courses Machine physics and future accelerators Accelerator physics and future accelerator facilities, for 1st year particle physics graduate...
4th year/Euromasters projects Photometry Telescope pointing First light on new SBIG, Epsilon Lyrae, M56 Vega, M56, M29 with filters Spectra First...
Telescope information Optical equipment Telescope and optics Cameras Computers Spectra Software Other Radio equipment Radio equipment...
Cameras Camera Interface Webapge Manual Software Area Pixel size Meade LPI USB...
Available computers Dome computer phpc369 IP : subnet : gateway : dns : 134.219....
Astronomy data Solar limb Intro to telescope Photometry (RV, ZS) Intro to telescope Photometry (RV,ZS, New SBIG)
Image Thumb Details M56 : 2011 10 06 , SBIG ST 8XME, 3 degrees, first images, MaximDL, small tweek to Gamma in Gimp
Imaging term glossary correction : Generally bad for any data taking, but good for trying to look at large dynamic range of intensity RGB : Red Green Blue...
PH3010 Intro to telescope Telescope and optics Information on cameras Simple image analysis Data
Basic movie analysis solarLimbDarkening.nb: Mathematica functions to extract pixel data from all frames of uncompressed avi file Functions d...
Video recording Useful for lucky imaging, solar limb measurements etc. IC Capture.AS 2.0 Device (menu) Device Settings (dialog) Properties (button...
Telescope and optics Eye piece focal length Field of view Meade super plossl 26 mm Meade super plossl 32 mm...
Pipeline UG astronomy http://www.uni Reduction%20Recipe%20Book/index.html A data reduction handbook (Hessman)...
Simple astronomical image analysis in mathematica Distances Projections Summations over areas introToTelescope.nb: introToTelescope.nb Simple astronomical...
Solar limb darkening Information on cameras How to take an uncompressed movie Analysis of movie in Mathematica Data 2011 09 29 Script
Spectra related Spectrometer Spetrograph Filters
Wish list Things I`ve been thinking about and might get for the telescope collimation screws mask
RRC Research and Resources Committee, Physics Dept. Summer Bursaries 2008 2009
Summer Bursaries 2008 Information about the Summer Bursaries was circulated earlier by e mail to all interested parties. A limited no. of bursaries will be awarded...
Summer Bursaries 2009 Information about the Summer Bursaries was circulated earlier by SummerBursariesEmail email to all interested parties. A limited no. of bursaries...
Summer Bursaries 2010 Information about the Summer Bursaries will be circulated by SummerBursariesEmail email to all interested parties. A limited no. of bursaries...
Dear Students, Summer Student Bursaries 2010 It is likely that the Department will support a number of bursaries, awarded on a competitive basis, to support research...
Starting on Sunday September 14th I attended the five day international workshop on top quark physics: in Durbach, Germany. Last year I was chairing the local organizing...
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The Royal Holloway group has been heavily involved in the CALICE test beam programme in 2006 and 2007. The CALICE collaboration has undergone two major test on the...
Links to Test Pages Pdf Viewer
Discussion Summary for Theory Experiment Interplay at the LHC Workshop: .ThExpLHC My Links .ATasteOfTWiki view a short introductory presentation on TWiki...
My Links PETRA III Laser wire Linac4 Laser wire
Tim Brooks Third Year PhD Student Supervised by Cowan My Links web space at RHUL My research Slides for talks Datasets I`m using My Event...
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Tim Brooks Third Year PhD Student Supervised by Cowan My Links web space at RHUL My research Slides for talks Datasets I`m using My Event...
TOP 2012 5th International Workshop on Top Quark Physics Meeting of LOC on 8th February 2012 Latest info related with hotel/excursion/finances Hotel contract is...
Here would stand the information about the Tokyo office: Address: Phone: Fax: List of employees at TokyoOffice. Related topic: OfficeLocations...
My Links PETRA III Laser wire Linac4 Laser wire
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Tracey Berry Webpage Teaching PH1420 (see Moodle) Year 1 Lab Demonstrator PH3010 Lab on ALEPH Physics Administrative responsibilities IOP Project...
The ATLAS Trigger Students and staff from RHUL are involved in a wide range of work on the ATLAS Trigger, from developing software to select electrons in a few milliseconds...
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Pedro`s list of Useful Contacts RHUL 1 2 3 4 Barbara Davis Science Faculty Manager x4343 \ Sarah COX Physics Dept. Administrator T115 01784 44...
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Veronique Boisvert Home Page including Research Interests ToP2012 Teaching PH2130 (see Moodle) 1st year Special Lecture on `The Great question of Life,...
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Code Various codes used throughout my project. Soon to be annotated properly. MATLAB Python Labview Other
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Centre for Particle Physics This is the internal home page of the Centre for Particle Physics, part of the Department at Holloway, University of London. It contains...
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NExT Meeting at Royal Holloway Wednesday 15 October 2008 For directions and buildings on campus see here If you are coming by car you must register by Friday 10 October...
Wednesday 28 October 2009 from 11:00 to 18:00 at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory ( Pickavance Theatre ) chaired by: Claire Shepherd Themistocleous 11:00...
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William Shields About Me I completed an MPhys degree at the University of Reading before joining the John Adams Institute at Royal Holloway, University of London...
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