The 40th Bubble Chamber Cup
Hosted by Royal Holloway, University of London

Sunday 6th April, 2014; Egham Leasure Centre.

The tournament is organised alongside the IoP 2014 HEP and APP Groups Meeting.

Organisation and registering

Games will commence at 11 am and finish at 5 pm.

There will be group stages and a knock-out stage starting from quarter finals. There is a maximum of 16 teams (it is now full!). If there is sufficient interest a women's tournament or women's match will also be organised.

To register or questions send a mail to Jochem Snuverink


Most important rules:

  • 5 a side (4 players and a keeper), 6 players is possible if both teams agree
  • metal studded boots or blades cannot be worn.
  • 25 min. matches (12 min. per half)
The full list of rules is available here: these are based on the FIFA Rules with some modifications.


The Bubble Chamber Cup will be held at Egham Leisure centre.

By car Egham Leasure Centre can be easily reached.

By train, from Egham train station it is about 10 minutes from the station.

For travel to London and British Rail services around London, see National Rail Enquiries.

NEW This Sunday there are engineering works planned and no trains will stop at Egham station. A bus replacement service will be run and "journey times may be extended by at least 40 minutes". For more information: and


The sports centre provides a café with refreshments and drinks. Vending machines are also available.

Changing rooms with showers and lockers (limited) are available at the sports centre.


The tournament finishes at 5pm. There will be a BBQ organised at "The Happy Man" pub in Egham, starting after the tournament. Everyone is welcome to attend, also non-football players.

The prize giving will be done at the IoP conference banquet on Tuesday evening.

Registered Teams

16 teams have registered so far (max. 16):
Bristol 1
Bristol 2
Liverpool 1
Liverpool 2
Manchester 1
Manchester 2
Queen Mary
Royal Holloway
Sheffield 1
Sheffield 2


Sheffield 3



1 Liverpool Manchester 1 Sheffield 1 Birmingham
2 Brunel Sheffield 2 Manchester 2 Bristol 1
3 UCL 1 RHUL Bristol 2 UCL 2
4 Queen Mary Imperial Liverpool 2 Cambridge


time pitch 1 ref pitch 2 ref pitch 3 ref
11:00-11:30 A1-A2 ? A3-A4 ? B3-B4 ?
11:30-12:00 C1-C2 A1 C3-C4 B3 B1-B2 A2
12:00-12:30 D1-D2 B4 D3-D4 A3 A4-A1 B2
12:30-13:00 A3-A2 C1 B4-B1 A4 B3-B2 C2
13:00-13:30 C4-C1 D2 C3-C2 D3 D4-D1 B1
13:30-14:00 D3-D2 C4 A1-A3 C3 A2-A4 D1
14:00-14:30 B1-B3 D4 B2-B4 A1 C1-C3 A2
14:30-15:00 C2-C4 A3 D1-D3 A4 D2-D4 B1
KO rounds KO rounds   KO rounds   KO rounds (15 min each with 5 min break)  
15:00-15:30 QF1 (A1-B2)   QF2 (B1-A2)   (A4-B4) (C4-D4)  
15:30-16:00 QF3 (C1-D2)   QF4 (D1-C2)   A3-B3 C3-D3  
16:00-16:30 SF1 (QF1-QF2)   SF2 (QF3-QF4) A/B4 - C/D4  
16:30-17:00 F1-F2   free   A/B3 - C/D3  


Poule A

Liverpool 1 - Brunel 8-1
UCL 1 - Queen Mary 6-1
Queen Mary - Liverpool 1 0-6
UCL 1 - Brunel 3-1
Liverpool 1 - UCL 1 4-0
Brunel - Queen Mary 4-3

1.Liverpool 1 9 18-1
2.UCL 1 6 9-6
3.Brunel 3 6-14
4.Queen Mary 0 4-16

Poule B

RHUL - Imperial 5-6
Manchester 1 - Sheffield 2 3-1
Imperial - Manchester 1 5-2
RHUL - Sheffield 2 5-0
Manchester 1 - RHUL 3-7
Sheffield 2 - Imperial 2-5

1.Imperial 9 16-9
2.RHUL 6 17-9
3.Manchester 1 3 8-13
4.Sheffield 2 0 3-13

Poule C

Sheffield 1 - Manchester 2 11-2
Bristol 2 - Liverpool 2 5-0
Liverpool 2 - Sheffield 1 0-7
Bristol 2 - Manchester 2 8-1
Sheffield 1 - Bristol 2 1-3
Manchester 2 - Liverpool 2 4-3

1.Bristol 2 9 16-2
2.Sheffield 1 6 19-5
3.Manchester 2 3 7-22
4.Liverpool 2 0 3-16

Poule D

Birmingham - Bristol 1 1-3
UCL 2 - Cambridge 0-6
Cambridge - Birmingham 4-7
UCL 2 - Bristol 1 1-4
Birmingham - UCL 2 7-1
Bristol 1 - Cambridge 7-0

1.Bristol 1 9 14-2
2.Birmingham 6 15-8
3.Cambridge 3 10-14
4.UCL 2 0 2-17

4th places playoff

Sheffield 2 - Queen Mary win on penalties
UCL 2 - Liverpool 2

Queen Mary - UCL 2
Sheffield 2 - Liverpool 2

UCL 2 winner of the wooden spoon!

3th places playoff

Brunel - Manchester 1
Cambridge - Manchester 2
Brunel - Manchester 2 ?-?
Manchester 1 - Cambridge ?-?


Liverpool 1 - RHUL 7-3
Imperial - UCL 1 4-5
Bristol 2 - Birmingham 7-4
Bristol 1 - Sheffield 1 2-3


Liverpool 1 - UCL 1 2-0
Sheffield 1 - Bristol 2 8-1


Sheffield 1 - Liverpool 1 4-1

Sheffield 1 winner of 40th Bubble Chamber tournament!


  • Queen Mary - Liverpool 1:

  • UCL 2 - Cambridge:

  • Birmingham - Bristol 1:

  • RHUL - Liverpool 1:

  • onlookers:
Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf 7705_Acheive_Cafe_Menu_April_2012-1.pdf r1 manage 140.6 K 03 Apr 2014 - 14:21 JsnuverinkSnuverink Sports centre menu
JPEGjpg Birm-Bris.jpg r1 manage 522.9 K 08 Apr 2014 - 09:27 JsnuverinkSnuverink Birmingham - Bristol 1
PDFpdf BubbleChamber.pdf r1 manage 49.9 K 05 Apr 2014 - 13:40 JsnuverinkSnuverink  
JPEGjpg QM-Liv.jpg r1 manage 467.5 K 08 Apr 2014 - 09:26 JsnuverinkSnuverink Queen Mary - Liverpool 1
JPEGjpg RHUL-Liverpool1.jpg r1 manage 1185.4 K 27 Apr 2014 - 17:03 JsnuverinkSnuverink RHUL - Liverpool 1
JPEGjpg UCL2-Cam.jpg r1 manage 506.3 K 08 Apr 2014 - 09:26 JsnuverinkSnuverink UCL 2 - Cambridge
JPEGjpg onlookers.jpg r1 manage 398.7 K 08 Apr 2014 - 09:27 JsnuverinkSnuverink onlookers
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Topic revision: r18 - 27 Apr 2014 - JsnuverinkSnuverink

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