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Origin trajectory:

FASER traj 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png FASER traj Z muons 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png

FASER traj Z muonsN 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png FASER traj Z muonsP 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png

FASER traj Z neutrinos 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png FASER traj Z neutrinos12 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png

FASER traj Z neutrinos14 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png

Spectrum at FASER IP (sampler 25x25cm):

fluka spectrum kene faser IP 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png

Flux at FASER IP (sampler 25x25cm):

flux faser all 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png flux faser neutrinos 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png flux faser muon 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png flux faser muonN 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png

flux faser neutrinos 100GeV 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png flux faser neutrinos 1TeV 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png flux faser neutrinos 12 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png flux faser neutrinos 14 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png

Flux behind FASER (sampler 20x20m):

flux faser behind all 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png

flux faser behind ntro 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png flux faser behind ntro12 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png flux faser behind ntro16 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png

flux faser behind muon 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png flux faser behind muon 100GeV 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png

flux faser behind muonP 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png flux faser behind muonP 100GeV 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png flux faser behind muonN 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png flux faser behind muonN 100GeV 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png

flux faser behind muonN fluka 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png flux faser behind muonN fluka 100GeV 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png flux faser behind muonP fluka 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png flux faser behind muonP fluka 100GeV 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png

Flux at FASER (sampler 20x20m):

flux faser large all 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png

flux faser large neutrinos 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png flux faser large neutrinos12 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png flux faser large neutrinos14 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png

flux faser large neutrinos 100GeV 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png flux faser large neutrinos 1TeV 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png

flux faser large muon 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png flux faser large muon 100GeV 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png

flux faser large muonN 100GeV 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png flux faser large muonN 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png flux faser large muonP 100GeV 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png flux faser large muonP 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png

Spectrum plots at FASER:

spectrum kene faser full 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png spectrum kene faser IP 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png

spectrum phi 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png spectrum R 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png

2D origin XZ trajectory of muons and neutrinos:

trajectory XZ 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png trajectory XZ muon 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png

trajectory XZ ntro 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png trajectory XZ TAN 2020-05-14 total-sibyll new lhc dipole field.png

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PNGpng FASER_traj_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 33.6 K 15 May 2020 - 07:49 HelenaLefebvre  
PNGpng FASER_traj_Z_muonsN_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 22.6 K 15 May 2020 - 07:49 HelenaLefebvre  
PNGpng FASER_traj_Z_muonsP_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 22.5 K 15 May 2020 - 07:49 HelenaLefebvre  
PNGpng FASER_traj_Z_muons_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 23.5 K 15 May 2020 - 07:49 HelenaLefebvre  
PNGpng FASER_traj_Z_neutrinos12_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 30.4 K 15 May 2020 - 07:49 HelenaLefebvre  
PNGpng FASER_traj_Z_neutrinos14_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 34.3 K 15 May 2020 - 07:49 HelenaLefebvre  
PNGpng FASER_traj_Z_neutrinos_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 32.1 K 15 May 2020 - 07:49 HelenaLefebvre  
PNGpng fluka_spectrum_kene_faser_IP_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 35.6 K 15 May 2020 - 07:49 HelenaLefebvre  
PNGpng flux_faser_all_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 34.6 K 15 May 2020 - 07:49 HelenaLefebvre  
PNGpng flux_faser_behind_all_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 33.6 K 15 May 2020 - 07:49 HelenaLefebvre  
PNGpng flux_faser_behind_muonN_100GeV_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 51.0 K 15 May 2020 - 07:49 HelenaLefebvre  
PNGpng flux_faser_behind_muonN_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 51.1 K 15 May 2020 - 07:49 HelenaLefebvre  
PNGpng flux_faser_behind_muonN_fluka_100GeV_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 36.3 K 15 May 2020 - 07:49 HelenaLefebvre  
PNGpng flux_faser_behind_muonN_fluka_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 33.6 K 15 May 2020 - 07:49 HelenaLefebvre  
PNGpng flux_faser_behind_muonN_fluka_2_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 32.9 K 15 May 2020 - 07:49 HelenaLefebvre  
PNGpng flux_faser_behind_muonP_100GeV_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 49.6 K 15 May 2020 - 07:49 HelenaLefebvre  
PNGpng flux_faser_behind_muonP_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 51.2 K 15 May 2020 - 07:49 HelenaLefebvre  
PNGpng flux_faser_behind_muonP_fluka_100GeV_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 36.0 K 15 May 2020 - 07:49 HelenaLefebvre  
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PNGpng flux_faser_behind_muon_100GeV_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 52.8 K 15 May 2020 - 07:49 HelenaLefebvre  
PNGpng flux_faser_behind_muon_1m_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 41.4 K 15 May 2020 - 07:49 HelenaLefebvre  
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PNGpng flux_faser_behind_ntro12_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 64.6 K 15 May 2020 - 07:49 HelenaLefebvre  
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PNGpng flux_faser_behind_ntro_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 55.6 K 15 May 2020 - 07:49 HelenaLefebvre  
PNGpng flux_faser_large_all_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 31.2 K 15 May 2020 - 07:49 HelenaLefebvre  
PNGpng flux_faser_large_muonN_100GeV_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 50.4 K 15 May 2020 - 07:49 HelenaLefebvre  
PNGpng flux_faser_large_muonN_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 53.6 K 15 May 2020 - 07:49 HelenaLefebvre  
PNGpng flux_faser_large_muonP_100GeV_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 48.5 K 15 May 2020 - 07:49 HelenaLefebvre  
PNGpng flux_faser_large_muonP_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 52.7 K 15 May 2020 - 07:49 HelenaLefebvre  
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PNGpng flux_faser_large_muon_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 55.1 K 15 May 2020 - 07:49 HelenaLefebvre  
PNGpng flux_faser_large_neutrinos12_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 59.9 K 15 May 2020 - 07:49 HelenaLefebvre  
PNGpng flux_faser_large_neutrinos14_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 51.2 K 15 May 2020 - 07:49 HelenaLefebvre  
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PNGpng flux_faser_muon_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 27.7 K 15 May 2020 - 07:49 HelenaLefebvre  
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PNGpng flux_faser_neutrinos_14_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 34.8 K 15 May 2020 - 07:50 HelenaLefebvre  
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PNGpng flux_faser_neutrinos_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 35.8 K 15 May 2020 - 07:50 HelenaLefebvre  
PNGpng pseudorapidity_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 27.5 K 15 May 2020 - 07:50 HelenaLefebvre  
PNGpng pseudorapidity_E_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 20.2 K 15 May 2020 - 07:50 HelenaLefebvre  
PNGpng pseudorapidity_Eloglin_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 19.8 K 15 May 2020 - 07:50 HelenaLefebvre  
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PNGpng spectrum_kene_faser_IP_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 50.4 K 15 May 2020 - 07:50 HelenaLefebvre  
PNGpng spectrum_kene_faser_full_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 47.0 K 15 May 2020 - 07:50 HelenaLefebvre  
PNGpng spectrum_phi_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 29.4 K 15 May 2020 - 07:50 HelenaLefebvre  
PNGpng trajectory_XZ_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 31.8 K 15 May 2020 - 07:50 HelenaLefebvre  
PNGpng trajectory_XZ_TAN_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 29.3 K 15 May 2020 - 07:50 HelenaLefebvre  
PNGpng trajectory_XZ_muon_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 27.5 K 15 May 2020 - 07:50 HelenaLefebvre  
PNGpng trajectory_XZ_ntro_2020-05-14_total-sibyll_new_lhc_dipole_field.png r1 manage 30.2 K 15 May 2020 - 07:50 HelenaLefebvre  

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Topic revision: r1 - 15 May 2020 - HelenaLefebvre

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