Personal Details
- Name: Fabrizio Salvatore
- Office: W263
- Phone: 3460
- Position: Research Associate
- Personal WEB page
Work interests
I am currently working on the
experiment at
and in the
R&D experiment. In ATLAS, my interest is in searches for super-symmetric signatures using three leptons final states, where one of the leptons is a tau. Within the ATLAS Data Model, I am also working in the definition and implementation of the Derived Physics Data (DPD) for SUSY and also for the Trigger working group. I am the SUSY DPD contact person and the Trigger DPD contact person.
I'm also working in the Physics Analysis Tools Working Group to develop tools for the analysis of ATLAS data.
In CALICE, I'm working at the development and testing of calorimeter prototypes for future linear collider detectors.
Previously I have been involved in the
experiment at
, working on B physics and Tau physics topics.
Teaching Material
- Lecture on Cosmic Rays as part of the Astroparticle physics undergraduate course.
- CP Violation lectures for the University of London Inter-collegiate Ph.D. Programme.
Conference Talks
- BaBar talks:
- International Workshop on e+e- Physics from Phi to Psi (PhiPsi08), Frascati, Italy, April 2008: Review of Standard Tau Decays.
- Les Rencontres de la Valee' d'Aoste, La Thuile, Italy, March 2006: Review of Charm and Tau decays at B Factories.
- International Workshop on Tau Lepton Physics (TAU04), Nara, Japan, September 2004: Preliminary Measurement of BF(tau -> K- pi0 nu_tau) with the BaBar Detercor.
- One-day IoP Workshop on B Physics, Manchester, United Kingdom, November 2003: Review of Radiative and Rare B Decays at B Factories.
- Hadron Structure 2002, Herl'any, Slovakia, September 2002: Recent B Physics Results from BaBar.
- CALICE talks:
- International Conferences on Calorimetry in High Energy Physics (CALOR08), Pavia, Italy, May 2008: The CALICE Test Beam Programme.
- 2007 Conference of the American Linear Collider Physics Group (ALCPG07), FNAL, USA, October 2007: The CALICE Test Beam Results.
- 83rd Meeting of the CERN SPSC, CERN, October 2007: Summary of the 2006 and 2007 CALICE Test Beams at CERN.
- 2007 Workshop on Linear Collider (LCWS07), Hamburg, May 2006: Simulation of the Desy and CERN Test Beam Lines Using MOKKA.
HEP Seminars
- University of Birmingham, Birmingham, March 2008: Results from the 2006 and 2007 CALICE Test Beams.
- University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, November 2007: Results from the 2006 and 2007 CALICE Test Beams.
- University of Cambridge, Cambridge, February 2007: Review of Tau Results from BaBar.
- University of Sussex, Brighton, February 2004: CPV Results from BaBar.
- University of Glasgow, Glasgow, November 2003: Results on alpha and beta at BaBar.
- University of Cambridge, Cambridge, November 2002: Recent Results from BaBar.
I am co-author of 567 scientific publications on refereed journals and conference proceedings. Listed below are the most recent publications to which I have contributed:
- F. Salvatore, The CALICE Test Beam Programme, Proceedings of the International Conference on Calorimetry for High Energy Physics (Calor08), Pavia, Italy, May 2008
- F. Salvatore, Review of Standard Tau Decays from the B-factory Experiments, Proceedings of the International Workshop on e+e- Physics from Phi to Psi (PhiPsi08), Frascati, Italy, April 2008
- The CALICE Collaboration, F.Salvatore et al, "Response of the CALICE Si-W ECAL Physics Prototype to Electrons" (to appear on the Journal of Instrumentation (JINST)
- The CALICE Collaboration, F.Salvatore et al, "Design and Commissioning of the Physics Prototype of a Si-W Electromagnetic Calorimeter for the International Linear Collider" (submitted to Journal of Instrumentation (JINST)
, JINST_013P_0508);
- The BaBar Collaboration, F.Salvatore et al, Measurement of the tau- --> K- pi0 nu_tau Branching Fraction
, Phys.Rev. D76, 051104(R) (2007);
- F. Salvatore, Recent Results on Charm and Tau Physics from BaBar and Belle, Proceedings of the XVII Rencontres de Physique de la Valle' d'Aoste, La Thuile, Italy, March 2006
- The BaBar Collaboration, F.Salvatore et al, Search for Lepton Flavor Violation in the Decay tau- --> e- gamma
Phys.Rev.Lett. 96, 041801 (2006);
- The BaBar Collaboration, F.Salvatore et al, Measurement of Time-Dependent CP-Violating Asymmetries and constrains on sin(2beta+gamma) with partial reconstruction of B0 --> D*± pi± Decays
, Phys.Rev. Lett. 92, 251802 (2004);
- The BaBar Collaboration, F.Salvatore et al, Measurement of the B0 meson lifetime with partial reconstruction of B0 --> D*- pi+ and B0 --> D*- rho+ decays
, Phys.Rev. D67, 091101(R) (2003).
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