Log Book Entry No.26

Days, Calendar Created: 31 Oct 2013 14:23:41 Days, Calendar Last Revised: 31 Oct 2013 14:23:41 Person RyanCheale Text Dark Study + Cooler Stdudy


Data Log

Used Autosave Sequence located Desktop/Data/20131016_RC/25darks60s.seq

(Forces file name change compared to [Public.LogBookAstronomyEntry0017][Dark Log Book 16/10/13]])


20 x Dark frame per temp per exposure time

NN denotes image number

Temperature (deg C) Exposure time File name
-10.0 0.1, 1.0, 5, 10, 60, 180 eg T-05.0_NNN_E0001

Set coolers to room temp ≈ 20 deg C took exposures as it cooled to -10 deg C

1s exposures every 30 seconds for 30mins (60 exposures)

The file names below are for the 1s and 29s exposure:



The 'voi'd file is s 29s exposure to produce a 'break' between exposures for accurate timings utilising the autosave function in MAXIM DL

This data needs to be analysised.

Activity Log

  • Took off cover for telescope & Camera
  • Turned on Camera and followed steps detailed here
  • Set temperature to -10 deg C, waited 30 - 40 mins for stable temperature
  • Used Autosave Sequence located at 'Desktop/Data/20131016_RC/25darks60s.seq'
    • Autosave feature allows running of each permutation whilst saving automatically
  • Format T-tt.t - NNN - Eeeee.fit where T - temperature, t - temperature value, N - repetition (==20) , E - Exposure, e- Exposure time value (0.1s, 1s, 5s, 10s, 60s, 180s)
    • File names chosen to be like this so that it's easily identifable what the file contains (i.e T-05.0-001-E0001.fit is temp of -05.0 deg, caputure #1 exposure of 0.1s
  • Submitted Data obtained to Dark Log Book 30/10/13 as a record for files
  • turned off the coolers on the camera to allow it to reutn to room temperature.
  • Proceeded to take data in 30s intervals for 30mins whilst turning the coolers back on and allowing the temperature to reduce to -10 deg C to see what effects allowing the temperature to stabalise has
  • Submitted Data obtained to Dark Log Book 30/10/13 as a record for files
  • For data analysis still need to change Dark Log Book 16/10/13 file names so that they match that of the autosaves output files for easy file name reading.

  • Began the use of the canopy environment to begin data analysis in Python.
  • Running into multiple problems with the canopy environment with plotting graphs
  • Have made plots for the mean, standard deviation, max and min values of the data set T-05.0-NNN-E0600
  • Struggling to create histogram plots, either the kernal or the environment tends to crash when trying to create a histogram of a single fit file
  • Next steps:
    • Produce median plots
    • Refine code so only needs slight input alteration for other data sets
    • Produce histograms and then further plots based off of the histograms
    • begin analysis on cool down data.

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Subject Dark Study + Cooler Stdudy
Status blank

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Topic revision: r1 - 31 Oct 2013 - RyanCheale

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