Log Book Entry No.50
Created: 17 Oct 2014 14:43:19 |
Last Revised: 17 Oct 2014 15:52:41 |
JamilehTaaki |
Photometry Darks |
Data taken by Holly Preece and Jamila Taaki
Took 70 dark images. 10 each at exposures 1s, 2s, 3s, 10s, 15s,30s, 60s
Stored C:\Users\dome-pc\Desktop\Data\20141017_HP_JT
Temperature set point -10 degrees
Actual temperature between -10.2 and -9.8
File name CCDImage_Xs_N.fit example of name type, X=exposure time [seconds], N = image number at that exposure
ipython cheat sheet:
install packages:
pyfits, scipy, numpy, matplotlib
ipython use:
%quickref to access reference, % to exit
pwd & cd work as usual
exit to exit
run ipython with pylab (list of examples below)
ipython --pylab
In [0]: import pyfits
In [1]: f=pyfits.open('test.fit')
In [4]: f[0].data
array([[ 106., 97., 105., ..., 122., 129., 117.],
[ 113., 115., 116., ..., 125., 120., 123.],
[ 106., 109., 93., ..., 127., 120., 122.],
[ 106., 107., 103., ..., 123., 134., 123.],
[ 99., 107., 106., ..., 121., 121., 123.],
[ 104., 108., 102., ..., 125., 130., 125.]], dtype=float32)
In [5]: imshow(f[0].data)
Out[5]: <matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f5a13268150>
In [11]: print len(f)
In [14]: print numpy.amax(f[0].data) #maximum value
In [20]: print f[0].data.mean()
In [21]: print f[0].data.std()
In [17]: print numpy.where(f[0].data>1000) #where(condition)
(array([236]), array([269]))
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