Log Book Entry No.105

Days, Calendar Created: 19 Jul 2016 16:52:29 Days, Calendar Last Revised: 20 Jul 2016 10:36:03 Person JosephBayley Text Alignment of Camera and optical fiber and attachment of guidescope

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Alignment of Camera and Optical Fiber

  • SBIG camera,
    • Temp: 10deg
    • Exposure: 0.1s
    • subframe around fibers
  • FireWire Camera,
    • Exposure: 1/500 s

  • Took focus measurements first by moving beam splitter to find best focus.
    • Best focus was found by subtraction background of spectral line image and summing pixels
    • Best focus for image was found by finding max pixel value

    • The optical fiber focussed ~6mm from the FireWire camera

  • Optical fiber was adjusted such that it is as far out as possible using the smallest spacer, and the camera was adjusted so that it was as close to the beam splitter as possible.
    • This was to close the 6mm gap found earlier
  • The fiber and camera were then realigned as the FireWire camera will have been rotated slightly and moved out of alignment.
  • Both horizontal and vertical alignment were used and the best positions were found at maximum intensity the same as for the focus.

Attachment of guidescope

  • Two mounts for the dovetail plates attached on the top of telescope, plate then attached.
  • The two dovetail plate mounts for the bottom of the telescope have to have small section removed due to bolts on the telescope which were in the way.
  • Bottom dovetail plate then attached.
  • guidescope rings and guidescope attached to the top plate
  • counterweight attached to bottom.
  • The telescope was then approximately balanced by adjusting the counterweights position on the plate and by unscrewing the counterweights so they were further from the OTA.

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Subject Alignment of Camera and optical fiber and attachment of guidescope
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