Created: 01 Dec 2016 10:20:04 | Last Revised: 02 Dec 2016 15:39:42 | WilliamBurrows | Grating |
Micrometer (mm) | File Name |
19.00 | He_Distance_1900 |
19.50 | He_Distance_1950 |
20.00 | He_Distance_2000 |
20.50 | He_Distance_2050 |
20.75 | He_Distance_2075 |
21.00 | He_Distance_2100 |
21.10 | He_Distance_2110 |
21.20 | He_Distance_2120 |
21.25 | He_Distance_2125 |
21.30 | He_Distance_2130 |
21.40 | He_Distance_2140 |
21.50 | He_Distance_2150 |
21.60 | He_Distance_2160 |
21.70 | He_Distance_2170 |
21.75 | He_Distance_2175 |
21.80 | He_Distance_2180 |
21.90 | He_Distance_2190 |
22.00 | He_Distance_2200 |
22.25 | He_Distance_2225 |
22.50 | He_Distance_2250 |
23.00 | He_Distance_2300 |
23.50 | He_Distance_2350 |
24.00 | He_Distance_2400 |
Rotation Angle (mm) | File Name |
01.00 | He_Rotation_0100 |
01.50 | He_Rotation_0150 |
02.00 | He_Rotation_0200 |
02.50 | He_Rotation_0250 |
02.75 | He_Rotation_0275 |
03.00 | He_Rotation_0300 |
03.10 | He_Rotation_0310 |
03.20 | He_Rotation_0320 |
03.25 | He_Rotation_0325 |
03.30 | He_Rotation_0330 |
03.40 | He_Rotation_0340 |
03.50 | He_Rotation_0350 |
03.60 | He_Rotation_0360 |
03.70 | He_Rotation_0370 |
03.75 | He_Rotation_0375 |
03.80 | He_Rotation_0380 |
03.90 | He_Rotation_0390 |
04.00 | He_Rotation_0400 |
04.50 | He_Rotation_0450 |
05.00 | He_Rotation_0500 |
05.50 | He_Rotation_0550 |
06.00 | He_Rotation_0600 |
Micrometer (mm) | File Name |
03.50 | He_Asymmetry_0350 |
03.70 | He_Asymmetry_0370 |
03.90 | He_Asymmetry_0390 |
04.10 | He_Asymmetry_0410 |
04.30 | He_Asymmetry_0430 |
04.50 | He_Asymmetry_0450 |
04.70 | He_Asymmetry_0470 |
04.90 | He_Asymmetry_0490 |
LogBookForm | |
Subject | Grating |
Status | blank |
I | Attachment | History | Action | Size | Date | Who | Comment |
zip | | r1 | manage | 2820.4 K | 02 Dec 2016 - 15:39 | WilliamBurrows | Helium Asymmetry |
zip | | r1 | manage | 8005.9 K | 01 Dec 2016 - 16:00 | JamesAngthopo | Scan of Helium distance |
zip | | r1 | manage | 7586.8 K | 01 Dec 2016 - 16:01 | JamesAngthopo | Scan of Helium rotation |