Log Book Entry No.169

Days, Calendar Created: 15 Feb 2018 17:47:17 Days, Calendar Last Revised: 15 Feb 2018 20:00:24 Person AdamKirwin Text Ph2900 Group B Observation 2


A.K, S.R, T.O, S.R, G.C,

15/2/18 Began: 17:30

Started up telescope & opened observatory. Connected to camera with maximdl (disabled camera 2), turned on cooler to -15.

Found Capella @ LST=3:45, h= 22:27, rotated telescope mount. Changed declination to 46 degrees. Located star in viewfinder.

Began continuous 0.1s 4x4 binning image capture of CCD view. Moved telescope (speed 1) opposite to image view due to CCD being upside down, to centre Capella.

Go-to button used, caused telescope to move way off target. Recallibrating as a result. Now LST=4:15, so h = 22:57, relocated Capella. Centered etc.

With LST 4:27, Atlas found at h=0:32. dec 24 deg 6 min.

Used astrometry.net to work out stars from unknown image 1, located area in stellarium

Moved to bright stars (i.e atlas and pleione), checked again with astrometry and stellarium. Synced to Pleione HIP 17851 SAO 76229 on both telescope and stellarium (connected to telescope)

Centred on Pleione. Tested stellarium movement to other stars.

Centred on Atlas, took multiple images at several exposure times, saturating the image individually for both bright stars.

zeroed telescope, closed up dome.

Finished 20:00

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Subject Ph2900 Group B Observation 2
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