TrigMC software release coordination: PTD's logbook - from May 2018
Checking MRs to be applied to 21.0-TrigMC
To see a list of the currently active TrigMC MRs in Gitlab, click on the 21.0-TrigMC label, or use
In addition, also check regularly for MRs into other branches, but which have the label "alsoTargeting:21.0-TrigMC"; once these MRs are approved, they will then be automatically applied (typically the following night) to the 21.0-TrigMC branch.
Checking the nightlies
Remember to check the
nightly built after any MRs approved the day before. The Shift Guide points to three different locations with information on the nightlies:
- ART (ATLAS Release Testing) nightlies
on Panda;
- The standard nightlies page (NICOS
): see rel 21.0-TrigMC, under GIT group (not ATN group); rel 20.7 nightlies are also available from this page.
- The new ART page (still under development) here
The information in the three sources above is on the same nightlies (21.0-TrigMC GIT group). The 21.0-TrigMC GIT nightly build normally starts around 21.30 (CERN time). The repositories for these builds are kept on GIT and are automatically tagged by GIT as a release (eg nightly/21.0-TrigMC/2018-09-19T2139). Information on the
build (but not on ATN test) can be found on the NICOS, under "GIT group". There is also a separate set of "ATN" nightlies (available only through 2. above: NICOS, under "ATN group"), where the "old"/standard ATN tests are run and reported on. Most of the time, I use 3 above; some of the time use 2 as well. Option 1. is more focused on the result of the builds rather than the tests themselves. Information is available for many past builds (many more than just the last 7 days, apparently).
At the moment (Oct 2018) the ART page (3 above) is not working well. Therefore stick to the following procedure for
checking the nightly:
- Check if it built OK, on NICOS, "GIT group";
- Check the ATN test results on NICOS, "ATN group", comparing with the previous available nightlies;
- If the test results are worse (or significantly better) than previously, investigate further.
Mainstream releases nomenclature
- 21.3: will be used for developments for Run 3, during LS2
- 21.6: for Phase 1 Upgrade developments?
- 21.9: for Phase 2 Upgrade developments
Shift Guide for Release Coordinators
includes guidance on how to request a new release under the new Git-based system (see Section "How to tag and deploy a release after a successful build?")
(Old Tag Collector system, see
: choose "Tag Collector 2".)
Once a new release has been made available, details on its
Grid deployment can be found from
and searching for the release number.
When CC'ing Veronique on TrigMC emails use her CERN address ( rather than the RHUL address.
Logbook pages
Logbook pages are available for the following periods:
PedroTeixeiraDias - 10 Jul 2018