Meeting 20161007

People present: Stewart Boogert, Glen Cowan, Aaron Andrews, Anisha Vadher, James Angthopo, Will Burrows



  • Current task: Star field simulation.
  • End goal of task is to generate image that is similar to what would be seen via the telescope.
  • Currently have program capable of generating an image as an array of pixels and filling flux values calculated in relation to stars:
    • Image size (no. of pixels in X and Y axis) and number of stars generated are variable.
    • Stars generated with 2d gaussian profile - each pixel filled with sum of intensity contribution from each star.
    • X and Y coordinates and peak value for each star is randomised, sigma values (in gaussian) set to 3 pixels for all stars - Eventually these will all come from simulation input data.
  • Suggestions:
    • Currently pixel value is calculated in relation to central position of each pixel - should be integral over pixel area.
    • Pixel values represent photon counts, hence follow Poisson distribution. Therefore, generate pixel value by using integrated value as mean.
(Laura - not present)

Joint task:

  • Decide on obsevation target:
    • Stellar cluster.
    • Needs to be visible at night for next few months.
    • Also needs to be visible at reasonable time of evening/night (e.g. max. altitude between 7pm and 10pm)

-- StewartBoogert - 07 Oct 2016

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PNGpng GaussianSimTest1.png r1 manage 27.3 K 07 Oct 2016 - 16:12 AaronAndrews Star field sim - random positions+Gaussians
PNGpng GaussianSimTest2.png r1 manage 38.8 K 07 Oct 2016 - 16:12 AaronAndrews Star field sim - random positions+Gaussians (large frame)
PNGpng PositionSimTest2.png r1 manage 19.0 K 07 Oct 2016 - 16:11 AaronAndrews Star field sim - random positions
Texttxt r1 manage 1.5 K 07 Oct 2016 - 16:12 AaronAndrews Simulation test program 1
Texttxt r1 manage 2.4 K 07 Oct 2016 - 16:12 AaronAndrews Simulation test program 2
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Topic revision: r4 - 09 Oct 2016 - AaronAndrews

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