-- AnishaVadher - 13 Oct 2016

  • Working out how much background for each pixel
  • Plotted a histogram of number of photoelectrons against the frequency for a 0.1s exposure in the dark frame which follows a Gaussian distribution
  • Histogram_of_number_of_photoelectrons_for_0.1s_exposure.png
  • Number of photoelectrons = pixel value (ADU) * Gain
  • Gain = 2.3 e/ADU (value from PH2900 report)
  • From the histogram I will obtain the value at the peak and the error from the FWHM
  • Error in the peak = FWHM/2.35
  • I will get these statistics for each exposure time in the dark frames that I have taken and plot the peak value as a function of exposure time and the error as a function of exposure time.
  • There are big gaps between the bins which I am not sure why.
  • Edit - the gaps are due to the fact that the histogram only takes integer values so increasing the number of bins leads to more gaps in the histogram.
  • Histrogram of number of photoelectrons for a 0.1s exposure in the dark frame with 45 bins.:

  • Also plotted a histogram for the sum of pixel along the x-axis values against frequency for a 0.1s exposure in the dark frame which follows a Poisson distribution
  • The histograms from the sum of pixels along the y-axis follows a Gaussian distribution.


  • Plotted the median intensity of the pixels as a function of exposure time using the values given from the image using np.median in python. I am yet to work out the errors.

  • The median intensity as a function of exposure time.:
Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PNGpng Difference_between_summing_across_x-axis_and_y-axis.png r1 manage 38.8 K 14 Oct 2016 - 00:01 AnishaVadher Histograms to show the difference between summing across x-axis and y-axis for 0.1s exposure dark frame
PNGpng Histogram_of_number_of_photoelectrons_for_0.1s_exposure.png r1 manage 18.4 K 13 Oct 2016 - 23:58 AnishaVadher Histrogram of number of photoelectrons for a 0.1s exposure in the dark frame.
PNGpng Histogram_of_number_of_photoelectrons_for_0.1s_exposure_45_bins.png r1 manage 18.7 K 14 Oct 2016 - 11:57 AnishaVadher Histrogram of number of photoelectrons for a 0.1s exposure in the dark frame with 45 bins.
PNGpng The_median_intensity_as_a_function_of_exposure_time.png r1 manage 33.1 K 14 Oct 2016 - 12:06 AnishaVadher The median intensity as a function of exposure time.
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Topic revision: r2 - 14 Oct 2016 - AnishaVadher

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