Added error bars to the Histogram
Error bars are small
We plotted the new hypothesis mean = mean0 + mu*t , however since our data was all over the place we used the last years dark frames that were at a constant temp 5 degrees which is much better that the -15 degrees. below is the graph of both those tempratures
This is -5 degrees
This is -15 degrees
The same thing was done with the new sigma fit sigma = sqrt(mu*t + simga_0)
temp 5 degrees
temp -15 degree
When the range was default over all data, histograms were plotted like this (see below), and the range and number of bins had to be input for each individual image.
When we automated the range choice, we received this comb effect
which caused our fit to skew downwards due to the zeros in some of the bins. We found that this was due to the histogram data being integers and the bin width being <1. Therefore, there wasn't an integer value in every bin. This was accounted for by making an automatic number of bins.
-- Public.LunaBorella - 19 Oct 2017